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Mike Tan

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Everything posted by Mike Tan

  1. Tank update: Had a real bad discovery last week, My water parameters were terrible! DKH was like 81ppm. magnesium was around 1100ppm, calcium was at 490ppm. Spent the week trying to get the parameters up. Here is the cover/mesh pics that was done to prevent my jumping fish from meeting the floor!
  2. AC sells super quality marine fishes and corals! I'm a buyer myself!
  3. Tank update: - Refugium is working nicely, put in 2 chaeto balls and it has been growing slooooowly for weeks now. Very green and alive! But the good thing is, a lot of pods have made it their home! - managed to remove 2 barnacle blennies as I think 4 is a bit too crowded - around last week, moved the lined dartfish and it's a pretty thing to see it come out at feeding time - 3 days ago, moved in 3 acans and 2 blastomussas - moved a yellow assessor, a randalli assessor and a snowflake clown too Will update with pictures soon!
  4. Update: - cover/hood has been delivered, problem it is a little bit bent because of the nylon strings pulling on it. Putting 2 boards on the side to help flatten it out! - released the 4 barnacle blennies and 2 helfrichi firefishes, what a sight! - will move the lined dartfish soon. will post some pics soon. fishes that I'm looking for: (suggestions welcome) - beautiful and colorful gobies (something like green banded perhaps?) - flavo anthias - beautiful and colorful flasher wrasses!
  5. Pics of some denizens found in the White Reef!
  6. Superb pictures! May I ask if you use maco lens?
  7. what can you suggest are the most tolerant/easy sps that are more likely to stay colored up? bird's nest? monti? soory, I'm total sps newbie here, just researching for future reference. I don't have any calc od kh dosing though.
  8. Beautiful tank! I read that you might have aiptisia problem? As a person who has had aiptisia destroy 2 tanks (a 5 footer and a 2 footer) I would advise you kill them quickly! Joe's juice works best, just feed joe's juice and they die.
  9. Thanks for the tips. What peaceful fish do you suggest to put in? And I understand you fed them in a qt tank? I feel having a qt is also beneficial because the other fishes wont compete/out eat non feeding new livestocks! My strategy is this (give tips if I'm wrong-I actually did this with my lined dartfish) put in qt/isolation box to prevent other fish from eating the food I introduce then I feed hatched artemia and see if they actually eat them then if they do, introduce artemia with zoplan or arcticpod reef nutrition. then after a while try arcticpod by itself -OR- zplan by itself so far it has been eating these by themselves, now do I do this also with tdo? (probably will!) or shud i go back to artemia + tdo?
  10. Very awesome tank! I could never ever get sps to color up on any of my previous tanks. They all turn brown on me You mentioned you had blue eyed cardinals trained to eat pellets? May I get any info how does one "train" a fish to eat? (proper and effective way) Also in my experience, having had quite a few six line wrasses, most of mine are semi-aggressive and mildly aggressive, I guess it's really hit or miss on these fishes. As I currently have terror tailspot blenny that stealthily attacks and chews off my yellow and randalli assessors fins!
  11. Tank update: Tested nitrate at 0 and phospate at 0.5 on oct 7. Now will try to use seachem seagel on it t further reduce phospates. I put in 2 Tangaroa goby and they've been running around the bottome since last week! Also got some livestock that I will slowly acclimate to this tank. A lined dartfish. Apparently this fish is very very timid, shy and peaceful so have to hope my other planned fishes will not scare it into hiding. Also have to wait for my canopy/hood which will be completed (hopefully) by next week.
  12. Love all your photos! Where did you get your acans? are they Australian?
  13. Thanks for kind replies! Here's an update, installed Vortech Mp-10, new Jebao DC return pump, Omega-1 reactor. Also updated the aquascape because I felt the rocks were too few for my planned fishes which will be anthias, flasher wrasses, blennies, gobies
  14. Saw 1 red ruby dragonet at Pinnacle Aquatics yesterday morning (23-9, 11am)
  15. also, anyone spot any ventralis anthias, blue eyed cardinal, helfrichi firefish, nice blenny, gobies and flasher wrasses? tia
  16. May I ask what these last two wrasses are? Also where is this NG? (I don't even know what it stands for
  17. Some updates as of today! Shot of the Refugium and temporary sump for now!
  18. Thanks for your kind and inspiring praises! My friend (the one who setup/designed the tank) did them.
  19. I had tanks that have lots of livestock endemic here before, so now I'll add stuff from all around the world! My shopping list includes Ventralis Anthias pair, Heilfrichi, and other interesting small fishes! Endemic to Philippines I'll have a ruby red dragonet. True, I plan to add either a Vortech MP10 or another WP-10. Will post the acrylic net hood once it's done!
  20. In what way are they not so reputable? they have an online purchase option? will they scam you and such?
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