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Mike Tan

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Everything posted by Mike Tan

  1. Is this bryopsis or hair algae? My tank is riddled with this on the rocks and all over the substrate. These two pics are from 2 different days, and they don't even come close to 1/10 of all the algae I see on my tank! What is the way to go here? From my readings and research, Kent Marine Tech-M then maintaining tank at 1700ppm magnesium for 1 month will eradicate this nuisance algae? But my question is what will die from the high magnesium?
  2. Tank update: Tank is 40 days Fishless due to marine velvet. But now I have a NEW problem to deal with, BRYOPSIS! Arrrggghhh!!!! It's in a Lot of patches in the LR and also all over the substrate! Manually removing will likely mean manually removing ALL the LR and substrate! (it's like recycling the tank if thats the case!) I am not contemplating of going high magnesium!
  3. wondering the same here. read somewhere isopods can burrow into our skin etc.
  4. wow!! thanks for sharing your lighting regimen!!!
  5. Great idea for Display Tank cover!
  6. concise and helpful information! thanks!
  7. never wait for aiptisia. always kill it asap with joes juice. i had like 3tanks restarted due to those pests!
  8. Really beautiful tank, clean pipings and it looks like it was planned well! Love your anthias! and the Floating rockscape was really neat! May I ask if you know anywhere else to buy live copepods other than west side? thanks!
  9. Wow! Just saw this thread! Truly inspirational stuff!!! Thank you very much for sharing! Also, I noticed from page 11 onwards, a LOT of pictures are broken.
  10. Thanks! I meant Attenuatus Flasher wrasse not a Lineatus (yes thanks, lineatus are very dominant)
  11. Put in some corals that I have on my QT tank.
  12. Tank update: Last month around Nov 13, I started to experience some fishes dying on me, first were the 2 helfrichis. At first I thought it was just bullying from the lined dartfish that I had. Then after about 5 days, I noticed my clown swimming wrong and the clown died after 2 days. Here is the thread of the disease: So I finally decided to catch all my remaining fishes which are a yellow assessor, a tangaroa goby, a randalli assessor and a lined dartfish and put them all in a seperate tank. I will run the tank without fishes for (GULP!) 8 weeks. ( I hope my patience can hold!) Since then I had my lined dartfish adopted by a friend because I find it too aggressive for my little 3 foot tank. As of right now, I have a McCoskers Flasher wrasse in another tank being QTed for introduction into the tank. Am also waiting for a lineatus flasher wrasse too. Any experts here have experience with multiple flasher wrasses in 1 tank? is 70 galons going to be enough? Here are some pictures of the McCosker!
  13. Thanks for the tip. I actually considered putting in a bristletooth tang just to clean up algae. But I found something better! As suggested by a reefer here, tuxedo urchin! They've been cleaning up my algae problem. Although it's not yet completely solved, I'm seeing less and less algae every day.
  14. last night I observed yellow assessor with white film over its body. Very velvet appearance. but so far all the 4 observable fishes are still alive until now. They are yellow assessor, randalli assessor, tangaroa goby and a lined dartfish. one concern is how they will survive in a small pail with copper.... So far my plan is to take them out and put them in a copper tank. leave main dt without fishes for a couple of months.
  15. All good points! Don't stop commenting, gives me more information!
  16. I actually am still debating if I should move the remaining fishes out of DT or not.
  17. medicate the remaining ones? From my readings I think copper is the way to go... I think Ill just remove all fishes from DT and put in another area and see what happens from there. Any suggestions?
  18. Hello! Had the unfortunate incident of a clownfish (24-11) dying on me! This is the picture. I had 2 helfrichis die on me too on dates (13-11 and 17-11) Then yesterday saw this clownfish in a troubled state of rapid breathing and bulging gills Managed to catch it last night and put in a separate pail. This morning it was dead. Also noticing some of my gobies and barnacle blennies missing. But so far my lined dartfish, yellow assessor and randal assessor all swimming well, eating well and showing no signs of anything. Please help identify if this is Velvet or brooklynella. I suspect the culprit might be the 4 gobies (2 red headed and 2 green banded) I put into DT (without QT-i know i know *sad*) on 05-nov. In any case I will catch all my fishes in DT and transfer them to my old tank and run my tank fallow for 8 weeks?
  19. Thanks for suggestion, although I have turbo snails, may I ask are they the same as fenstrate snails? Am starting to look for tuxedo urchins. Am kinda scared to get sea hare as these excrete stuff that I don't like Checked again today, my nitrate is 0 (according to color chart) and phospates are at 0.23 ppm.
  20. A small frag of an acan. But may I ask the experts here, what sort of algae is this? and what kind of cleanup crew consumes these? So far I have mexican snails, and turbo snails. My Po4 is kinda high at 0.24ppm, I already have 330ml of seagel since Oct 13,2014. Do you think adding PHosguard will help?
  21. Update pics This little clown bullied to death another snowflake around August.
  22. finally achieved desired magnesium (1300) and alkalinity (7)!!! Sadly though, my 2 helfrichi firefishes were murdered by my lined dartfish. They were harassed to death RIP My bleached acan and discolored acans are slowly startign to show signs of recovery. My blastomussa is showing new heads! From original 11 head colony, now have baby heads of around 5!
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