Currently only have: 1 acan, 1 open brain, 1 plate, 1 anemone, 1 skunk cleaner, 1 true perc, 1 blue gold damsel, 1 electric blue hermit, about 10 nausauras snails and 1 sand star
I removed the whole hood and added my diy pvc overflow that drains into a regular 2ft tank that I make into a diya sump. It flows into filter socks that has carbon, rowaphos inside. Then onto some biohome and the skimmer, it flowns into the pump section to reduce micro bubbles. It was supposed to be a simple ios tank and I just added a overflow
My newest addition! A blue gold damsel, was given as a present and I thought it would be a bad idea as damsels are very aggressive. This guy however like swimming with my clown and hides a lot only coming out at night
I also transferred my green bubble tip anemine from my other tank about a month later. This pic was taken recently after adding a true perc clown about 3 weeks ago. He immediately hosted the anemone after I added him in
So I just bought a true perc yesterday and it started to host my gbta in a matter of minutes. So today morning I squirt some brine shrimp in from of it and it didn't react at all. It seems to only stay in yhe anemone and doesn't wonder ard. Anyone know what I should do?