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A. Quarium

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Everything posted by A. Quarium

  1. Thanks! I read and saw that mysis can grow up to one inch. Since S. Bandensis grows up to five inches, will a one inch mysis do? I read that saltwater grass shrimp and krill are better than ghost shrimp, so I was wondering if the large mysis might be an option since I don't know any place that sells live grass shrimp or krill. Returning to the subject of ghost shrimp, I've never seen them for sale before. I've seen crayfish, but not ghost shrimp.
  2. I'm not really sure about this whole keeping sharks thing. Predatory animals like this may need a lot of space. At first, it would seem preposterous that you could keep sharks. I mean, if it's a small shark like bamboo or epaulette then fine, but I think blacktip might be pushing it. IMO, better to leave the sharks to large establishments like S.E.A. Aquarium. Anyway, ML gets shark eggs(usually banded shark)eggs sometimes.
  3. Oh ya, and does anyone else know a place to buy live shrimp or something? A bait shop with live prawns maybe?
  4. You must be fast! Where do you catch them? Which beach do you go to
  5. Since I will be going to Italy during the December Holidays, I will definitely keep a lookout for it. If it is open.
  6. Lots of colorful corals you got there! The pics with the gobies are very well taken! I take it your tank does well without a skimmer?
  7. Taufiq, another question. Where do you buy live/frozen shrimp or crabs to feed your cuttlefish?
  8. Cuttlefish have really good eyesight. S. Bandensis is capable of telling another cuttle's sex with one look. Maybe because it sees in black and white.....
  9. If it's weaned onto frozen and put in tank with gd filtration then maybe.
  10. Our coastal waters are not really "clean" as mentioned. Nice squid, your cuttle didn't attack it?
  11. Awesome cuttles bro! Although one of them looks translucent, making it seem like a squid...
  12. Wow! A simple dip results in your corals growing bigger and better! Definitely going to follow this topic!
  13. Really think you should put in at least a few live rocks. They ARE a natural and more-or-less efficient form of biological filtration after all.
  14. How bout the aqua c remora ? It's a HOB if I recall correctly.
  15. I think that Tunze 9001 might be a good choice when it comes out.
  16. Thanks for answering bro taufiq. I will most likely purchase that then, cycle and mature for 4-5 months(might not need that long but I just want to be sure), add some beginner corals that can be kept with cuttlefish, and if the corals survive for, say, 5 months, then I will buy the cuttlefish. A bit long, but I want to be sure the cuttle can survive. If corals can, then cuttles should too.
  17. I would like to ask, would a single cuttlefish do well in a Red Sea Max 130D? I would put a Tunze 9004 skimmer in the tank should I decide to buy it. Taufiq84 and any other cuttle or ex-cuttle keepers out there please answer. Thanks in advance.
  18. Ahem, I'm A. Quarium, not sea cucumber.
  19. They don't try to escape your tank, unlike octopi and other jumping fishes.
  20. Nice positioning of the corals. Very good photos too
  21. Nice tank! Must have healthy fish, right? Just curious, is the Tunze skimmer and filter working well?
  22. Slow acclimation would be good. If you order the water in your tank from the same shop, then it should survive after 10 min acclimatize. If not check ammonia etc. If corals can survive and thrive in those water conditions and temperatures, then so should a octopus. In theory. Real life maybe not.
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