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Everything posted by kkannan114

  1. Hi there... I really love these Zumas.. but don't find them at LFS like iwarna and ahbeng.. care to share any shop that sells these Zumas??
  2. Collected already. Thanks. Can close thread Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Got it as a gift... not sure what is the names.. but it is getting bullied so decided to give away Collection sengkang
  4. I added a dead prawn for 2 weeks and then measured ammonia levels followed my nitrates.. it took a month n a half to cycle completely. Meanwhile I introduced some hardy fish.. Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. It's been almost a year since I started this hobby. Would like to share the current set up.. Most successful has been keeping RBTA, from one to eight. not so successful with zoas and elegance. Zoas nvr opened up. Elegance slowly reducing in size. Also have been battling hair algae for a while now.. just bought leather coral, opened nicely for one day then completely closed till now
  6. It's been almost a year since I started this hobby. Would like to share the current set up..
  7. RBTA splits very fast Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  8. Thank you! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Collection sengkang Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  10. have two boxer shrimps that are too big for my tank that I like to trade for cleaner shrimp/crabs/snails etc.
  11. Thanks for all the replies. Decided to remove it altogether. Will try Chateo. Hoping for more success with it
  12. nitrates range from 10 to 25.. Phosphates range from 0.1 to 0.25.. All else is normal. Lighting in display is on for 8 hours. Sump tank light is on for 12 hours. It's not on at the same time. I use normal fluorescent white light bulb. I just got this algae 4 days ago. Will it release all the nutrients back in the tank if it goes sexual? Should I remove it?
  13. Dear forum, i heard that that this type of macro algae can turn white and screw up the tank with nitrates and phosphates. Please tell me if this is happening and how to prevent it..
  14. Let me know if you want this. Garden eel for 10 bucks. Collection sengkang
  15. Have a large hermit crab I would like to trade for macroalgae
  16. Thanks so much.. I just can't find it. I am hoping it will re appear a few days later. Will feed to mysis shrimp and see how it goes. I knew it's going to be challenging.
  17. Thanks for the inputs... Plan to do 50% water change.. Followed by switching off lights for 3 days.. and then getting a phosphate remover.. Hopefully it solves the problem
  18. Have been using rodi.. I didn't know got no3 reactor.. That's something new.. I trying not to buy phosphate reactor yet.. Trying other methods..
  19. Could it be coz I have dead spots? I don't have power head or wave maker..
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