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Everything posted by Welly

  1. By shallow meaninh 1ft tall or 1.5ft tall ? Most people will use how tall for a shallow tank ?
  2. Hi , I am curious why some people have shallow tanks. And whay are the benefits of a shallow tank than a tall tank ? What does most people use shallow tank for ?
  3. I think you missed out Protein skimmer bro.
  4. Because I heard when water change must have the same water as in the tank
  5. Hi bro is a nano tank hard to keep corals ?
  6. Ok thx for the advice seniors I have just gotten a 2ft tank with simple filteration but no protein skimmer is it ok ?
  7. Thx, SY chin, but whats the damage and is it hard to keep ?
  8. Whats the 8th fish that is black with strips , Is it a shark ?
  9. Hi , I want to get a quarantine tank for my 6ft tank. But I don't know how big should my tank be. I usually get medium size angels so can someone advice me ? And what kind of filteration should I have and must I have a chiller ?
  10. Ok thx slayer but may I know their opening hours ? And day ?
  11. Yea but I trying to get smallest shark as possible but cant find them like a bamboo cat shark went to ah beng but they dont have it. So dont know where to get
  12. Anypne knows the price for a medium queen angel and a medium french angel ?
  13. But where to buy bamboo cat shark ? I went to ah beng but no bamboo cat shark.
  14. Whats the price for a baby bambo shark And a baby cat shark ?
  15. Anybody knows how much will a baby blacktip cost in singapore ?
  16. I have a 4ft marine tank now and a 6ft freshwater tank so basically if I buy a baby shark and grows larger , I am thinking of converting my 6ft tank to a marine tank.
  17. Hi I am a new hobbist and was wondering if any farms in singapore sells baby sharks. And what is the smallest size aquarium for a shark. What kind of fish can be mix with it ?
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