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Everything posted by fishcake

  1. oh:/ if thats the case i will be losing this star then... didn't know they were so sensitive. ill just stick to Linkia then..
  2. looks bleached as well. Mine does not like strong flow or strong light.. you could try and reposition it?
  3. The tube news are cool. They leo have expensive diet. 6 Chromises & 2 Hippo Tangs.....
  4. Springer's Damselfish. Theres seems to be 2 types when googled. A blue one and a Blue & Black one. Mines the Blue & Black one.
  5. These little guys are so cute! If your looking for peaceful damsels get these ones. Recommended by Henry and he is right!
  6. Also I have 2 tanks now... This Hobby just keeps poisoning!
  7. Thanks Planted! I have invested in a new light set.... T5's! And it works!
  8. Hello! Bought this Star a couple of days ago. And now the flesh is literally falling of its bones. Any one know if it has a disease? Should I dip it in iodine? ..current too strong?..water too warm? If anyone knows anything would be great[emoji29]
  9. The clam in this picture is now dead. I found a worm bothering it and it died the next day. The worm was in the rock the clam was stuck too so there wasn't much I could do. But that clam went through multiple r escapes and temperatures of 23 to 30 degrees and was doing fine. ...until the worm....
  10. The coral dips are for corals not crustaceans isn't it?
  11. yeh. looking for a chiller at the moment. its cooler when the AC is on. however, i have to turn it off during the day when I'm out.
  12. Ok here are my parameters tested today 3/8/14. All measured using Salifert test kits. KH 10.3 PH 8.3 MH3 0 NO2 less than 0.1 NO3 10 PO4 0 Temp 27.9 - 30 degrees celsius Also, i bought a jebao rw4 wavemaker. looks giant in my tank haha. need to get use dot looking at it.
  13. Thanks for taking an interest guys. To answer a few questions 1. Yeah my tank has alot of algae. All kind. Cyano, green , red bubble, some reason I think chaeto is growing from the rocks..and of course coralline algae. Haha I manage to bleach that too. I don't have a wave maker. The tank is so small I don't think any will fit in it? The lighting came with the tank. Unfortunately the descriptions were in chinese and I'm I had thrown the box away. The tank set is from Jireh though. I can ask them for the info. Andtsg! That would be amazing if I could borrow the lighting! Will post my parameters soon.
  14. I know:( Is it sand space do you think? Meaning it needs a wider circumference around it? I was thinking it's lighting. I need a new light. Was considering the Max glaive. But I think the tank conditions in general are not ideal. The bubble stone skimmer doesn't really skim anything. And being a small tank the parameters fluctuate quite a bit too. But the other corals are fine.*I think ( monti Cap, forest fire digi..) Also need a small chiller if anybody selling one.
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