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Everything posted by fishcake

  1. Hi Hipporider, just curious to know what you feed your seahorses. At the moment mine are snacking off the pods in my tank. But I don't think that's a sustainable method of feeding them.
  2. Hi, Looking for baby brine shrimp. Pm if your looking to sell.
  3. it was itch:( so letting my empty tank lay fellow for a few months
  4. Hey All, Looking for frags of chalices. open to any sort of chalice. Please pm me.
  5. Little update. 2 Royal Grammas,3 Springeri Damsels,3 Blue Eyed Cardinals,1 Yasha Goby Have all died...within a week. Corals seem to be easier to keep than fish. Not getting another fish anytime soon..
  6. Hi everyone, looking for a small frag rack to hold around 10 frags, straight not corner. Magnetic would be best. Please me pm me.
  7. Jackiee want to frag some of the ones you gave me? Lollipop doing very well. I need your help to frag though.
  8. Don't you want your equipment for your 2 foot tank?
  9. Hi. There are 2 tanks in tjis thread. I will explain the smaller 9 gallon tank as that one has a proper system. Tank has compartments at the back. Compartments contain: 1. Tunze 9001 skimmer. 2. 2nd Compartment - filter floss & activated carbon, amorphous. 3. 3rd compartment - return pump. Water changes are weekly or biweekly depending on the condition of the tank. water top up everyday. Air conditioning at night only. It is really basic.
  10. Is the zero 3 stage filter still available?
  11. Sorry what I mean is.. If your changing all your mediums and WC and cleaning sand. Something is leaking phosphate into your system faster than your taking it out. So.. One by one you need to change and test constantly to find out what exactly it is.. Also.. I hope your not feeding too much. .
  12. If your changing all these things just means that your system is putting in more than your taking out...
  13. Maybe phos is leaking from your rocks?...
  14. Maybe try cleaning your sand first? At least that won't cost more money
  15. Do you have a deep sand bed. And how old is your tank?
  16. What size is your tank? The size matters. However, I have 2 BTAs and a pizza anemone and they live harmoniously in a 9 gallon. (not suggesting you do this) They will kill your coral though if they decide walk over them. Or if they come into contact with each other. There's a lot of reading online about anemone compatability.
  17. That's awesome. Thank you YT!
  18. Anyone interested?
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