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Everything posted by fishcake

  1. Skeleton showing on green short tentacle plate coral Got it from Iwarna 2 days ago. opened up and fed it mysis straight away. gobbled the whole lot up. My tank parameters after testing today again is : Ammonia: 0 Nitrate: 10ppm Nitrite: 0 Ph: 8.3 Phosphate: 0.03 Calcium: 360 ( a bit low but i topped it up already) Salinity is gd. Temp is between 22 and 24 Degrees Celsius. I am not sure why its dying. could it be bacterial infection or the sexy shrimp stepping on it? How sensitive is it to flow rates? How do i save it!!
  2. My parameters: Calcium: 410 ppm Ph: 8.3 ppm Phosphate: 0 ppm Ammonia: 0 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Nitrate: 10 pm Going on my 4th week now and just added chaeto. Seems to be going pretty well other than. the diatoms showing up.
  3. My nano/ pick tank. Let me know what you guys think Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  4. Was like that previously. Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  5. There you go.. tapatalk to the rescue Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  6. My brain ate mysis super quickly when i brought it back form the LFS. Now rejects the mysid and wont even open up. Not sure why though. Doesn't seem to be bothered by not being fed mysis
  7. oh no! I can't add any pictures. I have tried copying and dragging the jpg into the reply box but it doesn't work. The file uploader doesn't work either.. How do you guys upload photo's?
  8. file:///Users/golden_spinx/Desktop/Clam%20and%20Brain%20Coral.jpg
  9. Nah it isn't. Doesn't have the claws or the scales or anything that a mat is has except the eyes. It's got a worm like body. Smooth and no legs
  10. Hi all! i spotted something in my rocks. It has eyes sort of like a prawn (black), a body like a dragon fly ( long spindly legs that join to a insect like torso) and a worms body (deep dark red).....it hides in a hole in the rock and sticks its legs and eyes out to peek. its horrible. wondering if anyone knows what this is. some insect larvae? its not an orbit worm or a mantis shrimp either.. i can't get a picture because its right in between the crevices of the rocks in the middle of the tank. HELP
  11. Thanks for the advice guys. will keep my eye on it and see if it gets worse.
  12. Unfortunately i have nothing to trade with:(
  13. Yesterday I bought a less than 2 inch clam. Was looking healthy in the LFS. Was showing all its blue shiny bits. But now it's brown!! I am using an LED lamp source. And my tank set up is only 3 weeks old. I was told by LFS that clam is easy to keep?
  14. Hello everyone, I was wondering where I can get some mangrove plants. I have called a few places and no one seems to have them.
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