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D.G last won the day on August 28 2018

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About D.G

  • Birthday 12/12/1988

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  1. Hi hello.. is it still available? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Hi I'm interested.. still available? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Piping works are done up too.. Time to select the rocks for my rockscape. Tentatively rocks and sand going in today and tmr.. Water in on Sat.. Then the cycling shall begin.. Will be a full Zeovit system, same as my previous tank..
  4. I see.. yeah in that case that's probably why the lights overheated. The volume of the top compartment definitely plays a big part to the accumulation of heat in the area. I was really trying to avoid cutting ventilation slits on the cabinet doors as I do not like to see the lights coming through the slits. Hopefully the makeshift slit on the top does its job and with frequent maintenance of the tank daily, the build up heat if any should dissipate without any issues.
  5. Aquaroche Rocks Overkill.. Bought too much.. overestimated the size of my tank and underestimated the size of these rocks!!! Will have to let go of around 1/2 of these rocks. All are so beautiful and natural looking don't know which to keep in my tank.. Will let go at my cost price. Feel free to PM me if you're interested..
  6. Received this huge package a couple of days back. Was waiting for it but didn't expect it to be so huge!!!
  7. Yeah I thought long and hard about the ventilation issues.. I had the same worry when i was starting my 6 footer which also has the same enclosed design from 3-4 yrs back. Thought about installing ventilation fans and cutting slits for ventilation but I've never had any problem with overheating lights and condensation though. Maybe its because I keep opening and closing the top hood panels to feed and maintain from the top?? For this new tank the top can be opened from both sides so 4 hood panels can be opened up and I've designed the hinges to protrude out a bit so in a way there would be a long slit on the very top for ventilation.
  8. Yeah the top panel door can be opened from both sides and definitely gotta stand on the counter top when doing any maintenance. Yup will be using back my Hydra 52s & Hydra 52HDs.. no worries with light set mounting.. Top shelving will be where the adaptors and wires will run.
  9. A familiar person at work. Completed look. Front view from the Living & Dining. Back view from the Dry, wet kitchen & Yard.
  10. Top cabinet was required to be mounted on the concrete ceiling above the false ceiling in order to hold up the weight of the cabinet.
  11. The tank is placed right in front of the dry kitchen. Always wanted a 3 view partition tank and this is the only place that allows.
  12. Hi all.. Will be moving to a new place and so will be restarting my tank. As I am intending to move my life stock over to my new place, I will have to continue to run my existing 6 feet tank till my new tank is stable enough to move them. New tank will be 7.5ft x 2ft x 2.5ft. 3 view partition tank. Tank and cabinet is up already, willl post some pictures of the build. Comments are welcomed, Thanks!!
  13. Hi everyone. I am unable to identify it but I have this Green Mushroom with Bubbles that I'm looking to sell. Appreciate it if someone could be able to let me know what is this? Everything in it's about 15cm with multiple mushrooms. I'm not sure what it is so I don't have a selling price. Anyone who is interested can just pm me a price. Thanks everyone.
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