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Everything posted by reefaquaria

  1. Add another item 3. H2 Ocean FR with dymax 800lph pump ($40)
  2. 13-July-2014: Change layout of the rocks, feel free to comment. Add 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 common clowns and 1 regal tang. I'm going to fix the hanger for orphek light this weekend, currently is using 2ft T5 light with actinic blue bulb.
  3. Just realized I put the date wrongly, it should be July not June.
  4. Hi, I have the following for sale:- 1. Skimz SM161 skimmer ($200) 2. Tunze wavebox 6206 + master/slave controller 6091 include unused photo-electric sensor ($250) All are in good working condition. Please PM me. Viewing and collection at bukit batok area.
  5. Depends on ambience temperature and target temperature, you will need either chiller or heater or none at all
  6. Not using market prawn. The cycling was kicked start by ammonia from decaying of dead detritus in the rocks
  7. I was actually getting advised from Ken from Madpetz. It seems working. Despite dosing microbacter from beginning, the cycling process seems slow or not moving for the 1st week where I turned on the skimmer. The reading improved when skimmer was off. Not sure if this is coincidental or not.
  8. Tested ammonia and nitrite dropped to zero and nitrate going up
  9. Well I think there are different school of thoughts on this. You might be right, I don't know to be honest as I'm newbie myself My tank is nearly cycled now and this morning I have turned on the skimmer, carbon and rowaphos.
  10. Noted, thanks bro. Have yet to get tester for MG & Ca yet, it's in my shopping list
  11. I was advised against turning on skimmer, carbon and rowaphos during cycling. So I switch them off last Sunday. But I was told to keep biopellet on to act as biomedia for bacteria to grow which I think make sense.
  12. Thanks bro, I don't have ro/di unit to make salt mix at the moment. I may consider to invest one in the future.
  13. My kH seems a bit low, how to increase? Do more water change? I'm using NSW btw. TIA
  14. 8-June-2014: add a 40lbs-bag of caribsea ocean direct live sand 11-June-2014: test water parameter SG. : 1.023 (30) pH. : 8~8.5 kH. : 6 Ammonia : near 0 Nitrite. : near 0 Nitrate. : 20-40ppm Do 10% water change this morning
  15. I have one, please PM me if you are still looking
  16. Still looking, anybody has spare? TIA
  17. Still looking to trade... Anybody interested in the skimmer, feel free to PM me your offer. TIA
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