Change layout of the rocks, feel free to comment.
Add 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 common clowns and 1 regal tang.
I'm going to fix the hanger for orphek light this weekend, currently is using 2ft T5 light with actinic blue bulb.
I have the following for sale:-
1. Skimz SM161 skimmer ($200)
2. Tunze wavebox 6206 + master/slave controller 6091 include unused photo-electric sensor ($250)
All are in good working condition.
Please PM me. Viewing and collection at bukit batok area.
I was actually getting advised from Ken from Madpetz. It seems working. Despite dosing microbacter from beginning, the cycling process seems slow or not moving for the 1st week where I turned on the skimmer. The reading improved when skimmer was off. Not sure if this is coincidental or not.
Well I think there are different school of thoughts on this. You might be right, I don't know to be honest as I'm newbie myself
My tank is nearly cycled now and this morning I have turned on the skimmer, carbon and rowaphos.
I was advised against turning on skimmer, carbon and rowaphos during cycling. So I switch them off last Sunday.
But I was told to keep biopellet on to act as biomedia for bacteria to grow which I think make sense.
add a 40lbs-bag of caribsea ocean direct live sand
test water parameter
SG. : 1.023 (30)
pH. : 8~8.5
kH. : 6
Ammonia : near 0
Nitrite. : near 0
Nitrate. : 20-40ppm
Do 10% water change this morning