Hi Hi all Bros and shi Fu,I'm a newbie in reefing, do pardon my Ang mo not so good, will like to start this tread as a learning path, kindly share and teach me if have any suggestion.
Due to limited $ resource,most of the things have bought as 2nd hand or free from fishy kakis, paiseh ya.
I have convert my shrimp tank( 48x15x15") to sump tank, ordered a new 48x18x15" main tank with back over flow box, currently still try to get the salinity of the water right,I intend to keep soft corals and lps in near future with some fishes shrimp by using some old school method,hope can be successful.
Below are some of my equipment list.
Tunze 9002 skimmer
Eheim 1262 return pump
WP40 Wave Maker x 1
Resun CL650 chiller
4ft ati blue and purple x 1
2ft T5 supersun 12000k x 2
Below are some of the before and after picture.