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Everything posted by tineng

  1. Just got Halloween Hermit Crab from ML...
  2. look like the one i have in my tank....been trying to catch it for the past 2 month but to no avail.saw it tearing up my live rocks!!! and its getting bigger and bigger.... any bro has any expereince catching them?
  3. Any more maxima or crocea left? also where is TPY??? Tin Eng
  4. the LFS near my place even told me to forget about cycling.....just keep throwing damsel into the tank until one survive.....you can then start adding other fishes!!!!
  5. hi bro, can post a pic of the whole tank...including the sump and hood? is the cabinate inclueded?
  6. me too....my wife alway nag at me when I change water.... What i did was to cut down on step 1 & 2 by directly purchasing the saltwater from LFS. However, finding a relaible LFS might be tricky.... I also use a pre-filter for my canister and only use the cansiter as a bio-filter....this this way, I only need to change the prefilter and not having to open up the canister filter.... time spent on changing water is around 30 to 45 minutes... Finally I do water change in the middle of the night when everyone (and the fishes) are asleep, it will cut down on the nagging....8P
  7. brough mine 3 days back....died within a day....guess will need to gain somemore experience before i'll try again....
  8. Hi, selling a 2.5 ft PL - blue light 1 tube- S$20 also selling e-ballast 2x36 - S$23 Lightset was brought from fellow reefer and eballast was brought brand new.....reasons for selling, i've finally decided not to modify my tank canopy for extra lights.... Interested, please PM me....
  9. tineng

    DYI Lights

    after surfing around it seems that there are 2 types, those screw on ones has the ballast built in which the 2 pins type requires a ballast....
  10. tineng


    Saw on the net that you can DIY using Plexi-glass mirror. As mirror relfects near 100% of the light protons, it should be quite good.... Has anyone tried it before?
  11. Hi anyone selling PH Monitor? or knows of good ones to recommend?
  12. I also brought those clip on fans before, found it too noisy....however if yours is a DC type of clip on fan, here is a suggestion that worked for me in reducingthe noise..... Simply replace the AC-DC adaptor to one of those that can adjust the DC voltage. Slowely step down the voltage until a level where the noise and temperature is acceptable.... for me I was able to get away with a voltage of 4.5 V and the fan is near slient....evaporation is also less that way and temp with all lights on is about 2 degree lower then room temp....but do note that, you'll need to buy a AC -DC adaptor with at least 1500mA of power if not the whole thing can burn out....
  13. tineng

    DYI Lights

    Hi Guys, I'm currently thinking of making some alteration to my canopy such that it will take in a simple energy saving bulb, those small 2 tube bulbe, that is available in most hardware store..... Does anyone know if these is a need for me to get a ballast when wriring this up? or I can just connect the 2 points of the holder directly to the main? (according to the local hardware shop, you can - but i'll take their words with a pinch of salt....)
  14. Used seachem, does not seems to stop Diatoms although the water does feel cleaner....Also use polyfilter and even thought they say it will absorb silicate it doesn't seems to control it much. In the end found turbo snail to be most effective...although they seems to leave marks glass.....
  15. first time i saw it in eaquarist, I thought its one of those plastic deco....couldn't believe that it s a real fish.....the way it was laying around it looks like Jabba the hutt from star wars.....
  16. Thanks guys for all your advise, I do have a starfish and a small mushroom in my tank...I guess Copper based medication is out for me.... My tang is feeding though....it is actively munching on the alage in my tank....I think I'll try the approach of feeding it food dose in garlic to see if it works..... (PS: I do have a lot of hiding space in my rocks.....unforutately I think I have too much space.....my royal gamma and tang keep hiding from me!!!)
  17. Hi guys, Just brought a new Blue Tang, unfortunately, I think due to stress, it has broken out into white spots.... Any bros out there had any success with using medication in treating white spots????
  18. Not too sure about poly-filter or sea-gel. I'm using both but does not seems to elimate the problem.... Personnally I find Turbo Snails more dependent in removing the diatom growth from the tank....
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