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Everything posted by tineng

  1. After so many bad press about canister filter being nitrate factories, i'm seriously looking at stop using them...however it will be really a waste as i had already spent good $$$ on them.... I'm also not sure that will about 7kg of LR in my 2 footer and a Primz Skimmer, the setup is able to handle the bio-load. Anyway, I have a crazy idea....I was thinking of removing all the media from the canister and filling it up with sand....maybe up to 6 inches?. Then on the intake valve, add a sponge as a prefilter. In that way i only need to clean the sponge to prevent nitrate built up... in theory i should now be using the filter as a DSB.... Should i risk a anonmia spike and try it as the canister is now my prelimary means of fliteration??? Any bros out their had done or heard anything about this before???? any advise or feedback would be apprieciate before i try this experiment....
  2. my blue tang always have it when i first brought it....on and off....and every time it occurs immediately after a outbreak of ich. Anyway, dun worry, with proper care it always heals quite nicely. I realize that everytime i change water or do some aquascaping it will happen - i think it is due to stress...but in the recent month, it did not happened....guess it must have gotton use to the routine...
  3. I think it helps but not eradicate the problem completely. I am the super KS type of guy and use SeaChem SeaGel, Chemipure, polyfilter in my tank....one day my anemone got suck into a new powerhead that i've juz install...the next day whole tank becomes milky in color...did a 50% change...lucky/unlucky on suffer 1 causalty ... I think the best is still not to keep anemone....
  4. Use a chisle to break the rock to smaller pieces?
  5. Saw his tank cabinate yesterday....really bright man....i think my main tank also not that lighted up!
  6. hehehe....to date only got 4 fishes and 4 clams....I think consisdered slow already... next month will start buying softies....
  7. IMHO, i think very good price already.....saw a brand new CL-450 selling for S$399....so S$350 would be a good price for s CL-650....
  8. got a Crocea from him....., very healthy and nicely coloured...IMO, better then getting from LFS..... in fact, i now have 4 clams....all from JD.... saw the Crocea he is selling @ $35....very nice also.....very ichy
  9. maybe i should sound the alarm for those living in tampines... but the funny thing is that measuring the NO3 from NSW seems to indicate a NO3 level of 5-10ppm....I don't think the test kit is wrong...but nevermind, will test the tap water again.....i might be doing this the wrong way....
  10. stay in tampines. measure the No3 straight of the tap....before mixing with salt....use a Sera test kit, suppose to be for both fresh and salt water. Or do i have to mix in the salt and then test? would the NO3 be lower then?
  11. I don't have a RO unit, so when i mix the salt water, my N03 is near to 40ppm. Those from LFS is about <10ppm....so to save the hassle, i just buy from them.....
  12. sorry a bit new to the forum. Which sponser is Ian from?
  13. I think most are noisey...have yet to come across one that is quiet. However, if your fan is the DC type, you can get a additional AC-DC adaptor and step down the voltage....but make sure your current matches those of the fan if not the adaptor can spolit quite fast!
  14. Just some note about the Teco Micro. It uses similar technology as the ice probe chiller and thus does not require any servicing other then vaccuming the grills and the fan. Vendilation is very important so do not keep it inside a cabinet!!! made a mistake when i first get it and it ended up heating up my tank to 32 degree!!!
  15. I'm selling my Teco Micro. Asking for S$300. Last service 2 month ago,still in good working condition. More information can be found at http://www.tecosrl.com/micro/micro_e.htm Interested buyer please PM me. No viewing as I have already pack it up....
  16. Hi Guys, Saw this article on the net... http://mars.reefkeepers.net/USHomePage/USA...rDenitrator.htm the second part is about adding surfur to the sandbed to boost the system....anyone ever tried it...an y comments? Tin Eng
  17. Mine behaving quite funny also...I've got 4 stalks of cauliflower, one never open, 2 others seems to open when the fourth doesn't open..
  18. darn...for the moment thought i can do without the drip... Don't have a sump so a drip can look quite ugly sitting on top of a tank.... Tin Eng
  19. Hi guys, read this articale http://www.reefscapes.net/articles/breefcase/kalkwasser.html has anyone tried it? does it means we can do without the use of a drip?
  20. my boxfish die becasue of whitespot and my bi-color dottyback died because got stuck in the internal overflow..... My blue tang, emporar and clown are all baby when i brought them. they seem to be growing but I guess have to wait for a year to see if i can raise them to adulthood....
  21. Cool....maybe i can 'bribe' the fengshui master to suggest a 8 feet tank when he comes to look at the new place
  22. I think you have to read it up before believing entirely what the 'master' said. Different 'master' seems to believe in different things....for me i normally read a few books by different authors before using the 'average'.... Anyway, i think topping up water in a tank is not like flushing water down the drain....In Feng Shui, an aquarium is classify under 'yang' water....meaning water that moves...so naturally topping up water is part of that movement.... For toliet, they have a different application in feng shui as they 'press' down bad/good luck in the house. Its not the act of flushing water in toliet that counts, but the activties that is associated with it..... therefore i think you can explain it to your old man...he will not be able to argue with you if you are more verse then him.... PS: I do believe in Feng shui too, its wats got me into starting out with goldfish and now marine....wonder how many bros out there got into this because of that....
  23. I did a test on my tap water...the Nitrate is about 20ppm. My tank is way above the 40ppm mark.... I have a clown, blue tang, firefish, royal gamma, scooter beanie and Emprorer...they seems to be doing fine without much stress....
  24. Hi, I'm quite need to marine aqaria, my set up is currently in its 3rd months and I notice a fair amount of air bubbles cominig out of my rocks....is this ok??? Tin Eng
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