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  1. ETHS88

    Wtb rbta

    Looking for healthy rbta
  2. You can always put harmful stuff for ur display tank in ur sump as extra clean up crew
  3. Did they come with the rock? If so always rmb to add ur new rock in a bucket of saltwater with anti pest medication to make sure that nv happens again
  4. Do note that it requires moderate lighting combined with moderate water movement within the aquarium
  5. I heard that Sea slugs does not thrive in marine setups thus the short lifespan. These beauties belong to the sea and marine setups does not provide what the sea does.
  6. You can try to trim off the white parts and try spreading them. Dont clump them together as some may not have enough light
  7. Have not seen that before amazing
  8. I would suggest a bbq wired mesh wrapped with another layer of mainstream black soft and fine mash that ppl use as shade.
  9. I tried using a small wave maker by directing it's wave towards the anemone.works faster in my opinion.btw I don't think you should use a big one if you don't have a small one though as it will most probably create alot of mess
  10. Wow those zoas are looking good
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