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Spencer Lim

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  1. usibg nano chiller? fit external would be a quick fix.
  2. Go online, get a heatsink, controller and the correct bulbs and you are good to go. remember to check polarity during soldering. Some brand do iffer solderless bulb but at a premium cost.
  3. you can diy with cree led or ither high spectrum led.led par38 effectively is similar, just that the Leds are all circuited together.
  4. The fans will cool down the leds once they get too hot.
  5. Bean animal seems to be real quiet on the overflow.
  6. Spencer Lim


    Dr evil got the end cap also. plus the reflector. plus the ballast. Aquamarin seems to always run low on end cap. just my 2cent
  7. Bro, you dont need the valve. Just tie a knot on the rubber tubing and tighten as required. Use a clothe peg and clip it to the tank.
  8. Bro, If you need this kind of aluminium frame, can go to to hardware store along kelantan road / Jalan Berseh. They can cut to your measurement.
  9. Most RODI system runs the same way. brand wise most of them are the same. They are canister that allow water to flow through various pre-filter and membrane. What if I tell you I can DIY a set up exactly like crystal pro and its lower than the selling price of available models in market? Whats the diff between different brand then? THE USE OF MEMBRANE. @PowderTang You need to understand the various stages of a RODI unit first. Your existing crystal pro 3 can be turn into a RODI unit with the correct addition. Stage 1: 5 Micron sediment filter that filter out particles bigger than 5 micron. (i.e. acts exactly like the micron filter in your sump) Stage 2: Carbon block that de-chlorine the water and remove any organic compound (smell, contaminant and chemical etc) Stage 3: TFC membrane that removes many other contaminants and this is what restrict the water flow Stage 4: De-Ionization through resin. The only diff is the membranes and pre-filters used in each unit and their capacity. @PowderTang, if you want to add a RO membrane into your existing unit, you need to get this to house the above RO membrane. Cost just a few bucks if you know where to get. And than get this to hold the canister: Set up: So where can you buy all this? Our boleh neighbour have most of the things in their departmental store. The rest? Taobao lo. PS: I can fix up a unit for you at lower than retail price, with USA made membrane. PM to express your interest for a 4 stage unit. Pricing yet to be conclusive.
  10. Bro, I got test kit salifert and api and rodi unit zero ex4 for sale. Whatsapp me. 91862416. Got tunze 6065 x 2
  11. Bro, the RODI will justify the cost eventually over buying distilled water. If you looking for canister, i got 1 to let go, eheim but without quick connector. Need to upgrade the impeller though.
  12. Bro Seacucumber, you might be able to reflow the LED with soldering gun. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=reflow+Odyssea+Evo+led
  13. Bro, have you thought of upgrading your tank anytime soon? If that thought ever come to your mind, I suggest to hold on first, if not buy liao after awhile need to buy new one again.
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