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Everything posted by pcw

  1. I believe that Coralfanatics has some for sale. You may wish to check them out.
  2. pcw


    Rhizotrochus can be fragged! Sharing this in case anyone would like to try. 16 June 2022 2 July 2022 8 January 2023 (finally some skeletal growth showing) 20 January 2023 (with more frags coming along)
  3. pcw


    I've been cutting up scolymias and cynarinas. Snapped a picture of one of my scolymia frags. This frag has rounded off nicely from half a scolymia over the course of a year. I realised that the frags really need to be fed. The other half which was not fed (left as a control) withered over the course of 3-4 months. But this half seems to have grown well. I'll share the feeding regime again in a separate post to follow.
  4. pcw

    Crab ID

    That looks like an emerald crab lol good deal. Please search online to verify.
  5. Still looking for the following: Sunny d; Yellow sunny d; Nuclear green (please no green, pest palys); true rastas; Chong bongs; Pink zippers; Space monsters; Electric oompa loompas; Rose nebula; Black orchids; Wolverines; Fruit loops; Rainbow incinerators; King midas; Goblin on fire; Emeralds on fire; Bella donnas; XC Pieridae; XC Monkey butt. Still looking for pipe organ corals with fused pinnules that have a paddle-like appearance too.
  6. Three frags available for trades. Looking for any branching hammers. Green and/or brown are fine too.
  7. Available for trade: I've got the following for trade, which I'll need to frag upon agreement (nothing too fancy): Blondies; Sunflowers; Bam Bam orange; Orange oxides; Sunkists; Dragon eye; Eagle eye; Blue hornets; Red hornets; Kamikaze kush; Pink diamonds; Frozen armageddon; Captain america; Tutti fruittis; Supernovas; La lakers; Tyree rastas; Vampire slayers; Silver lining PEs; Treehouse of horrors; Scrambled eggs; Green palythoa grandis; and Green, brown and white palythoa grandis. Zoas aside, I've also got gold lithophyllon; blue Psammocora; Red favites; Fascination favia; Nauti spiral monti; Sour apple birdsnest; and Gold nugget monti. Looking for: Looking for the following zoas: Citrus coolers; Rainbow VDMs; Nightmares; Chucky's bride; Orange mauls; Sunny d; Yellow sunny d; Nuclear green (please no green, pest palys); Blue orgasm; regular rastas; Chong bongs; Pink zippers; Space monsters; Vampires in drag; Electric oompa loompas; Rose nebula; Black orchids; Wolverines; Fruit loops; Rainbow incinerators; King midas; Goblin on fire; Emeralds on fire; Bella donnas; and Petroglyphs. And, also looking for pipe organ corals with fused pinnules that have a paddle-like appearance. Not looking for daisy polyps. Please PM if interested in trading. Not looking to sell anything. Thanks!
  8. Two st thomas mushrooms for trade. They are red, not orange as the pictures suggest. Would consider zoas or LPS (even injured ones). Frag A Frag B
  9. Looking to trade these nauti spiral monti frags for other corals that I do not have. But no SPS. Would consider zoas or LPS (even injured ones). Please kindly PM. Thanks! Frag A Frag B Frag C
  10. Sorry that I've not been able to reply to all the messages. Coral has been sold.
  11. Selling an alveopora for $40. Quite a big piece that has grown in my tank.
  12. pcw


    Then there's the trade off with having more detritus accumulate :/
  13. pcw


    In respect of colonial-type NPS corals, I agree and highly doubt that each individual polyp is able to capture big pieces of food in the wild. It is probably possible to keep without dedicated feeding in a tank with a robust plankton population. Though I am not sure how that can be done with various mechanical filtration systems that are now mainstays in the hobby.
  14. pcw


    Took the opportunity to inspect the NPS corals I've placed a dedicated compartment in my sump. The water that overflows from my DT into the sump is entirely channeled through this rather narrow compartment before hitting the mechanical, biological and chemical filtration systems. This was done in the hope of (1) giving these corals the chance to catch food particles that flow into the sump; and (2) keeping them in a shaded location away from light (coralline seems to hurt them and balanophyllia is a coral which remains sensitive to light even after years in captivity). Most of them seem to be recovering. Some much slower than others.
  15. Selling a fat purple tang for $150. Been too aggressive to my newly added yellow tang. About 3.5 - 4 inches.
  16. The water level in your overflow box should not be fluctuating much. Have you tried tuning your herbie? If I may suggest, close your gate valve and then slowly open it to tune your siphon line such that (1) the siphon line always remains in operation as a full siphon; and (2) your emergency line has a slight trickle only. This should stabilise the water in your overflow box.
  17. As I understand, tiger sand conch and strawberry conch are the same. Coral Fanatics sells them, although they are located in the east.
  18. Looking for a frag of the yellow-eyed red piece on the left. Kindly PM if you have one available for sale/ trade. Thanks! Also looking for red gonioporas previously sold by: Pic:
  19. Posted (: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/139098-cws/?page=7&tab=comments#comment-1375718 http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/166840-reef-pi/ http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/topic/167042-sending-water-straight-from-reactors-uv-filter-into-dt/
  20. pcw


    Another bleached prata that is recovering:
  21. I added a UV filter to my tank but had to allow that water to recirculate back into my sump because I didn't have a secure way to send that output directly into the DT. Recently, bought an attachment that has some rails for cheap online: However, the barb attachment was too small so I had to make some modifications. The above can easily be dismantled and the plastic is soft enough to permit sanding. After sanding (the hole): Could fit a 20mm diameter pipe after. You'll have to know how wide you want to stretch the attachment before cutting the pipes but this is what I ended up with: Quick and cheap DIY to send water straight up to your DT after passing through a reactor.
  22. pcw

    Reef Pi

    First batch of items finally arrived. Unfortunately, it appears that the seller left out the switch and fuse cover for the AC-01 plug. Still patiently waiting for the other items to arrive.
  23. pcw


    Got this prata while it was almost completely bleached some time ago. Some colour (brown nonetheless) seems to be coming back.
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