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Ng Sze Kiat

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Everything posted by Ng Sze Kiat

  1. yes, it is a breeder box that works with a pump.
  2. Hi guys and girls, this is my first post. I come from a freshwater background and have ten freshwater biotope setups. I have been interested in reef tanks but never really dared to take the plunge into the ocean until about 3-4 months ago. I made use of what i had, which was a 13litre tank in my bedroom lol. original set-up was mainly for for sexy shrimps, but they have since been banished to the refugium cos i saw them eating some sps. yes, they aren't exactly reef safe! this is the fts: and i attribute the relative success of this tiny tank to weekly 30% wc, as well as my hang-on refugium as you can see here: got a lovely purple yuma to go with the hot pink yuma (which i can't quite capture on the iPhone): and this cute Eviota pellucida: most recent crustaceans are these amazing crinoid squat lobsters which are never seen even in this tiny tank: using a fan which cools tank down to 26 celcius, and par38 light. tank has built in iOS, and i run a simple hang-on filter for more volume as well as circulation. i don't usually post pics of my tanks in forums, even my freshwater ones, but i figured i should post this time before i upgrade, which will be soon i think. and to all the wonderful people i met, thanks for sharing info!
  3. yes liveaquaria haha. no silly questions, only silly answers!
  4. nice acan! and i second the motion for feeding
  5. didn't have much luck with open brains. i find hammers, plates, duncans and blastos really hardy
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