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Sharan Guna

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Everything posted by Sharan Guna

  1. Wow your setup looks amazing!!!! Hope the ponies thrive under your excellent care!
  2. Did you get your seahorses from New Trio? If you did then they are already trained to feed on from mysis which is AMAZING! and yeah the seahorses will finish up the pods in no time.
  3. hi bro, from what i read and what Turtle1989 said earlier, seahorses cant have alot of things that we would need in a standard reef aquarium like strong flow and other beautiful fish etc . And i love seahorses alot so i decided to just set up a tank for it. maybe i will add some corals and photosynthetic gorgonians in the future but must wait a few months for my pony to grow bigger and stronger hahahaha
  4. hi guys just thought i would show you the seahorse i have bought. Hopefully we can get good advice to make my pony's life better. I decided to keep the tank bare bottom and only use plastic holdfasts to avoid introduction of bacteria that is highly lethal to juvenile seahorses like mine. So, there you go! my first contribution to my own thread ANd my seahorse changed colour today. From the dark almost black colour to this bright yellow.
  5. I think he said he got it made by Iwarna as stated on the first post of this great thread
  6. Ummm but GO had and still has a sea apple in their main tank for years without any tragedy occurring. So... it makes me wonder
  7. Aiyah! then why never! ahahhaa i am going to buy tomorrow!!!!
  8. ummmm but i think he has done it as can be seen from the photos with the animals inside. So, CONGRATS Johora for achieving this! Your tank looks beautiful yet simple at the same time.
  9. Hello everyone, recently i see a building interest in the keeping of seahorses and as a person who is very interested in keeping seahorses myself, i thought it would be great to start a topic on the husbandry of seahorses. Maybe members who have been successful can share with us how they have kept their seahorses successfully in the long term and any special ways that they have in solving the problems faced in keeping seahorses. Some examples of problems may be feeding the seahorses etc. Pictures of seahorse tanks will be greatly appreciated.
  10. Hello everyone. Looking for a chiller to cool my 1.5feet nano cube. My budget is abit low at 100 dollars because im still a student. I also need some rocks. Hopefully some kind reefer can help me! Thank you!
  11. I found my light! Thanks everyone and mod pls help close this thread. THANK YOU!
  12. Looking for light for my 1.5feet nano cube. Budget is around 70 dollars. Will be good if i can also find a cheap skimmer and cooling fan. Pls pm if you have any of the above.
  13. I have a cube tank. 45 cm. Whatsapp me for pic. 9zero4eight33five3
  14. BACK FOR COLLECTION. Try to collect by this evening.
  15. WanT to give away a blue tub measuring 4×3×1.5feet. Whatsapp for pic. 9ZERO4EIGHT33FIVE3 COLLECTION AT BUKIT PANJANG. COLLECT BY TODAY or im giving it to my cleaner as a present!
  16. Its okay laaaa leave him. Read my posts properly. You will understand why he is behaving the way he is! I keep telling you guys to leave it. I think he is just a very poorly informed individual. Snoopy, wouldnt it be unbecoming of a smart boy like you to keep calling others dumb like this? We must be humble with our knowledge my friend. Dont mock others. Im more worried about the outburst of reactions to this thread than the TS actually. Come on, lets be better than this. We must all be friend friend and help each other. Not shoot like this.
  17. He wont do it la. Trust me. I think the message is loud and clear. And maybe sometimes it may sound like he is being stubborn, but i think he is defending himself, not his ideas when he tells people to keep quiet. Because people have started condemning him as a person above and beyond his ideas. So, i disagree with you. He is not being stubborn about this. Dis he say he is going ahead with this? No right. So everyone calm down.
  18. Hello everyone. I decided to post something here since everyone is posting something here and everyone has something to say about this! Guys, i feel that what many people who posted is saying is wrong. Even to the shame of some of the more experienced reefers. Why? Because i see people trying to send a message to the TS. A positive one. YES. But people like Snoopy are taking that to the next level by calling the TS dumb and such. It no longer edges on the boundary of trying to help the TS gain knowledge or change his ways. Its almost hateful. Condemn the act my friends, not the person! Dont make yourself look foolish and trivial by passing remarks like TS is dumb and stupid. And i dont think so many people have to repeat the same message so many times! What can you guys do?! Bring him to court?! So calm down everyone. I think the message has been clear enough. Dont mar your own reputation by skewing this issue to irrelevant proportions. Leave this matter be and let the mod close this thread.
  19. I think h20cean pro by DD not bad. Got many good reviews also.
  20. Hello! So if you wanna start a new shark tank, you must first decide on what shark to get. I would suggest getting benthic sharks ( bottom-dwelling ) like bamboo sharks and cat sharks as they are more adaptable to the aquarium life. In my opinion, the whitespotted bamboo shark would fit perfectly in this category for reasons being that I have been seeing them appearing more frequently for sale at our LFS and also because they grow to a moderate size of around 3 feet. Although a juvenile can fit into an aquarium less that 180 gallons ( a normal 5 foot rectangular tank ) it is not recommended to keep any sharks in an aquarium smaller than this. Do also note that these bottom dwellers need more floor area to swim at the bottom of the tank than do they to swim up and around the tank. So if you are customising your tank take note. Although you will probably be getting young juveniles from our LFS you must note that sharks grow very quickly. so try not to put them in small tanks and wait for them to grow out. Note that although a circular tank is always recommended for a shark tank, benthic sharks do not have such strict requirements on tank shape because they do not need to constantly swim to breathe and have the illusion of infinite space. Set-up requirements Sharks need a system that has a highly efficient filtration system which is able to remove wastes and nutrients quickly and efficiently. Because they grow to a relatively big size and they are messy eaters, water quality will always be a pressing issue. A large and efficient skimmer would be of paramount importance in such a setup. Then, a very good mechanical and biological filter will also be required. There are various mechanical and biological filtrations available now. So do read up. Lighting will not be an issue as well as sharks do not need special lighting. But do provide many hiding spots as they are nocturnal and prefer to hide during the day. Care These sharks are pretty hardy and require very little care in my opinion. They eat various fresh and frozen seafood like clams and cockles and other fishes. Feeding should be done in the dark preferably as these sharks are nocturnal. They are fairly hardy and will not easily succumb to common illnesses seen in other marine fishes. A proper and balanced, varied diet is all that is needed to ensure the good health of your fishes. I believe I have provided you enough information to start your own proper shark tank. Please avoid keeping blacktip reef sharks and other pelagic species ( non-stop swimming). They will require much more care and will not fare well. Leave these to the public aquariums. Cheers!
  21. I think you have a beautiful tank with such fat healthy looking fish! you are doing a such a great job in raising these fish and i hope that your fishes stay healthy and live for a very long time !
  22. SNOOPY! you doing your psle this year right! So talented can breed clownfish at 12! Anyway! I would also like to breed clownfish in the future so thanks for the tip and thanks to the Calvin f.h for this thread!
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