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Sharan Guna

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Everything posted by Sharan Guna

  1. what a gorgeous non-sps tank! it will only look better in time to come!
  2. Able to produce deionised water with 0-10ppm purity. (using drip method)Perfect for nano marine aquariums. Comes with everything seen in the picture. Will throw in a free TDS pen for measuring purity.Price:$35Collection: bukit panjang
  3. hi guys, helping a friend clear some of his items. Please refer to attached pictures for size reference and details. Pm me for contact details. 1) Replica rocks X3 - $30 for all 2) Additives - Free with purchase of rocks - Reefmax Bacto-xide 95% left -Reefmax Reef Magnesium 50% left -Reefmax Trace elements 50% left
  4. hi guys, looking for Wildcaught pair or Wildcaught adult female. Please PM me if you have any to let go.
  5. Bro you seem to be on fire! Ahahah congratulations with the many beautiful tanks that you keep and thanks for all the regular updates and beautiful pictures. It will inspire many
  6. Pls pm me if you have the above.
  7. hi bro, Thanks for the info. I will try get some for the next batch of fries.
  8. your lps will eventually stop opening up and die.
  9. hahah it died bro. As i expected. Anyway, from what i read, The tail fin is actually a normal occurrence. It gets absorbed into the tail as the baby seahorse grows up. It just that not many people have seen it before because its so tiny
  10. No ahhahha, i gave most of my fries away and kept around 10 for experimenting hahaha. But my friends who fed rotifers didnt have much luck also. Maybe next batch got better success ahhaha. I would think water quality would be the issue since rotifers were offered.
  11. hi guys, so today i was taking a picture of my last remaining seahorse fry because i thought i would eventually lose him as well. But anyway, i took this photo and was looking at it and BAM! at the tip of his tail was a...CAUDAL FIN! wow and it looks horizontally flattened, similar to marine mammals. This, along with what i read about male seahorses secreting a hormone called prolactin in their pouches when they are pregnant, similar to that in pregnant mammal mothers makes me really wonder if they are more than just fish. Anyway, i have attached a picture for you guys to see.
  12. hi guys, i just thought i would share a short video of my seahorses dancing together that i had captured a few days ago. My male is already pregnant in this video. Anyway, my babies will be arriving very soon and i am trying very hard to raise the babies. To me, even a little success is still success, so even raising 1 baby seahorse successfully will be great! So, if you have any suggestions to raise the babies, for example tank setup ideas or any other contributions, please do give them
  13. Please pm me if you have any. It for the good cause of culturing food for seahorse fries in the future
  14. Alright guys, So i have received a few messages from interested foster fathers so i will be closing the offer now. But for friends who are still interested, you can still contact me and i can pass you some fries from the next batch
  15. Hi guys, So after much failures and little successes i have managed establish my first breeding pair of seahorses. But i think the amount of time and work involved in raising the seahorse fries are daunting me. I tried raising them with no success. Anyway, i am opening up the opportunity for anyone who think they are up for it to give it go. I will split my fries among the takers. I will also be able to advice on methods that have proven effective for other people. However, i require that you possess at least a dense culture of rotifers or copepods and are also able to do frequent water changes. If interested, pls pm.
  16. wow Mr. Tay congratulations! life just got much easier i suppose.
  17. Hmmm how very unfortunate. Perhaps we will see a revival or the formation of a new group very soon. That would be amazing! The more knowledge shared the better!
  18. Hi bro, thanks. I got mine
  19. Hi bro, Hmmmm i think its probably because they dont recognize mysis as food? Thats the only reason i can think of. Try get them live shrimp while you train them onto frozen shrimp. Make sure the live shrimp is small enough to fit their little mouths
  20. Congratulations on starting your seahorse journey bro!
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