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Whiskie last won the day on February 23 2015

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  1. Hi. Looking for some Chaeto. Thanks.
  2. Hi. Looking for some Chaeto. Thanks.
  3. Bump bump Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Looking for seahorses. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Only tank, stand and cabinet. No sump. Tank has no holes. Only 2 holes on the TOP bracing for filter pipes.
  6. Letting go the above mentioned tank @ $250. Buyer to arrange own mover. Comes with stand and cabinet. Tank glass is 12mm. Euro braced. Previously used for fw fish. PM if interested. Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Letting go the above mentioned tank @ $250. Buyer to arrange own mover. Comes with stand and cabinet. Tank glass is 12mm. Euro braced. Previously used for fw fish. PM if interested. Thanks.
  8. Letting go the above mentioned tank @ $250. Buyer to arrange own mover. Comes with stand and cabinet. Tank glass is 12mm. Euro braced. Previously used for fw fish. PM if interested. Thanks.
  9. Are the mysis live? In the beginning, they may only eat live food. Try feeding live pods or brine shrimps. Then slowly introduce frozen food. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Brittle star Sent from the local post office using Tapatalk
  11. Marine or freshwater? Sent from the local post office using Tapatalk
  12. Copper better conductor, Cheaper but will corrode. Titanium slightly ex, won't corrode but poorer conductor. Sent from the local post office using Tapatalk
  13. Need to shut the valves. Then release the connection to the coil. It will release refrigerant at this time. After all refrigerant is released, remove the coil. When installing new coil, need to evacuate the new coil of any air or impurities using vacuum pump. Then after connecting back, need to see if the system has enough refrigerant. If not need to TOP up. U can't do this all yourself. Need aircon specialist unless you intend to just dismantle and throw away. Sent from the local post office using Tapatalk
  14. Pipefish and seahorse may not survive Long in the tank. They are slow swimmers and will have hard time competing food with the other tank mates. The flow also cannot be too strong for them. It's better if you can keep them in another dedicated tank. Most Mandarin fish eats live pods. Your tank needs to be mature enough to have a constant supply of pods for them. You will also need to try to train them to eat other food. Sent from the local post office using Tapatalk
  15. Ok. Noted. Sent from the local post office using Tapatalk
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