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Everything posted by gilwy123

  1. 在找這[emoji226]魚! Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  2. No more !! Bro....still looking !! Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  3. Anybody letting go above fish ? Thanks Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  4. I not sure. I saw the post selling 2 fishes but only one photo showing....please let me know if I'm wrong. Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  5. Platinum photo please. Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  6. How this salt actually if compare with DD salt ? Anybody try it ? Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  7. Skimz SH10 selling $60 but the collector cup got small crack. It good for 2ft tank and below. Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  8. Any review for this salt ? Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  9. Any ? Please Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  10. It sold. Thanks Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  11. Reserved by xxxx 6716. Will collect on Monday. Thanks Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  12. Back to sales again, rare purple ell coral. Small one at $20 Big one at $40 Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  13. Back to sales again, rare purple ell coral. Small one at $20 Big one at $40 Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  14. $55 last price else will keep it for plan for setup another nano tank.
  15. Brand new. Just open for testing. Bought 2 and found it too strong if using 2 together. Selling $60. Original price is $68 from AM. Still valid 3 month warranty. Google it to know more. Gilwy Toa Payoh 98588307
  16. Hi All, anybody letting go any of his 2 - 2.5 Ft Fish Tank cabinet ? Gilwy Toa Payoh - 9858 8307
  17. Success make an appointment with one nice reefer. Case closed thanks SRC Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  18. Aquamarin stock for salt arrived and promotion buy 2 get 1 free. Mean 136 for 3, 20 kg. 136/3...mean if we buy together, only 45 for one. Tonight will going around 8-830....let's meet there later. Contact me at below number 9858 8307 Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Bubble sold Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Sold Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. › Description This rare and beautiful heirloom soft coral is a non-pulsing relative of Xenia gifted to our friends at Coral Morphologic from the aquarium of author Tony Vargas. It is a beautiful crystalline purple/blue color that really pops when seen top down through the water or illuminated by a camera flash. There is some confusion as to whether this soft coral isCespitularia or Efflatounaria. Its growth form is considerably more robust and seems to spread more quickly.
  22. I'm interested and pm u. Gilwy 9858 8307 Toa Payoh
  23. Currently reserved till Friday. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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