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Everything posted by diverxxx

  1. there's really no real way to remove it 100% completely w/o injuring it. dont worry it will grow back nicely with the right condition...
  2. does iodine does any good to your sps? was advice by shop for fading colors...
  3. over the rainbow tenius is just sooooo beautiful...where did u get it??
  4. Soak ur hands with luke warm water is kena sting by bristle worm...will ease the irritation... Use vinly glove when handling untreated or wild corals...may contain unwanted hitchikers that will bring u lots of hell....be safe
  5. I use the same method... But i use a bigger syringe (20ml)instead help with the suction..
  6. they seem to prefer the " bubble " type of anemones. as i experimented with the carpet ones too anyways nice video and nice pair of clowns...keep it up!!
  7. nice collection of zoas. how do you keep them colors bright? some of mine seems to fade a little.
  8. anybody has successfully kept the fishes before..? bought it 3 times but all did'nt survive... my other warsses are doing well though... what is wrong here?
  9. currently i have a yellow tang and a sailfin tang in my aquarium. they get along with each other pretty well as they were introduce at the same time is it safe to buy a blue tang now? will they fight and bully the blue tang?
  10. chormis are cheap to try out for beginners. but they die fast. would recommend beginners to buy just one damsel when starting out...if it survive its a nice addition to the tank too.
  11. lion fish these are predatory...keep them away from cleaner prawns/shrimps. also avoid keep smaller fishes. my maroon clown got snapped up..
  12. yellow tangs are the hardiest and beautiful one for my preference.
  13. i've been contemplating to acquire one for my tank, but it is full of corals. is it reef safe? coz it been advise not to keep them but i've see some display tanks at shop with them in. am confused.anybody care to share their experience.?
  14. Mandarin dragonet is one of the most beautiful fishes in the ocean.the colors are bright and its just amazing to see them swim to hunt for pods. i've been lucky to have one in my tankl that is healty and fat to those u want to keep them you may find this an interesting read. i would recommend that you have your tank set up at least 3-4 months before deciding to keep one and keep one mandarin per tank. also introduce live rock as they contain pods which is their diet. keeping one madarin will keep the population of pods to be sustainable for it to survive. also try to feed it with brine shrimp. good luck
  15. nice antias!! i tried to keep a few of them before but they died. they dont eat like other fishes dothey seem to be scared even when i tried to direct feed them. any tips to share? keen to keep them again..
  16. if you tangs are having trouble eating, try to buy some live rocks with seaweed or algae to encourage them to graze. at the same time hang green or red seaweed. its only a matter of time they will help themselves to it. just be patient
  17. I've been lucky to successfully keep and grow a pocci. So here are some tips that i can share. 1) Placement These sps need light, so place them high or middle of the tank, 2) Water flow Low to moderate water flow. 3) Water quality and salinity They can die relatively easy if your water quality is poor. So do regular water change at least 10-20% every week and keep salinity at 1.023 to 1.025. hope this info help to you guys.
  18. Does anyone knows where can i go to get a custom made reef tank?
  19. Hey Nice Tank!! I remember starting out with a nano tank just like yours. i did regular water change 10%-15% every 3days with seawater bought from ahbeng or that i took from marina pier. My corals and fishes were healthy. it was easy because its just a small tank no need for any other supplements. Ups for you bro. .
  20. anyone has any idea what's the name of this sps? Up for adoption. contact me for details.
  21. Do buffer your PH levels up. It may seem fine now but it will affect your sps in the long run. just my 2cents worth.
  22. I use tap water together with other elements/solutions and came up with my own formulation after experimenting. so far my SPS are doing well...
  23. I had a problem with brown and red algae when i first started to set up my marine tank and it was horrible. I did some research and realized that there are a couple reason to algae bloom. 1) light Do not turn on your lights for long period of time 6-8 hrs of white light per day 2) overfeeding do not over feed your fishes and corals. use a feeding tube when feeding fishes and follow feeding dosage when feeding your corals 3) Phosphate remover There are a couple product in the market out there to help remove phosphate in your tank. please read and follow the dosage accordingly. 4) Algae removal solution (algae killer) Make sure you purchase one that if for saltwater use and remove any carbon filters 5)Introduce Algae Eating Animals i have two turbo sails and a shelly crabs to keep algae at bay. Well follow some of this step and you will get to get rid of your algae problem in no time.
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