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Everything posted by diverxxx

  1. The Yellow Tang is a "must have fish" for many marine fish enthusiast and marine system. The Yellow Tang is an active swimmer that will glide throughout your aquarium in near constant motion, acting as an aquarium tour guide of sorts to any onlooker who follows its meandering swim path. The Yellow Tang's natural habitat is actually widespread throughout Indonesia and the Great Barrier Reef but also most common in the reefs of Hawaii. The Yellow Hawaiian Tang is also known as the Yellow Sailfin Tang or Yellow Surgeonfish. The Yellow Tang is best kept should in an aquarium of at least 100 gallons with ample room to swim. Like other Tangs, this member of the Acanthuridae family demonstrates territorial aggression towards its own species, or Tangs in general. Therefore, it is best to keep just one Yellow Hawaiian Tang per aquarium, unless multiple Yellow Hawaiian Tangs are introduced into the system simultaneously. Although the Yellow Tang will eat meaty foods along with the other fish in the aquarium, it is important that the Yellow Tang is offered plenty of marine based seaweed and algae. I fed mine with green seaweed everyday 2 days, they just love to graze every time it passes by. The dried green seaweed is infused with garlic to strengthen its immune system, reduce aggression and improve overall health. The Yellow Hawaiian Tang is a very common, extremely popular, and hardy addition to any fish-only or reef aquarium system.
  2. i did the same thing thing with a straw and bigger syringe
  3. yes superglue gel can be used underwater...just be gentle and patient with them...
  4. interesting project you took on...good luck to you bro...
  5. where did you get your hands on these?
  6. really good try bro...at least you didn't lose both...
  7. they can grow quite long and looks like worms... had one that came with a live rock...i hated it and remove it straight away
  8. that is an awesome sight...any updates bro?
  9. wow...congratulations bro...!! two RBTA... you should be proud of yourself man...good job..
  10. quite pricey for my liking...the cuttlefish is interesting though... have yet to visit RWS aquarium...
  11. never knew clams or oysters could absorb nitrates, maybe i will do a read up on it...and present my findings
  12. didnt know snails could be their predator.. thankz for the heads up bro...
  13. i hope never to encounter such a problem... i fed my corals 2twice a week with 5 in 1, koral kolor, and reef building elements... so far have been fine...
  14. trace elements will do the trick just remember to feed it at least once a week with cut shrimps or other meaty food
  15. beautiful collection of chalice..!!! where to place them in the tank??
  16. guess it can only be done at night when the fishes are asleep..hehe.. never knew they take pallets
  17. is liquid food enough for them?
  18. that is a pretty cool sight...your water quality must be very good to entice them to breed
  19. Omg i didnt know sea stars eat zoas!!! thankz for the info
  20. your corals are badly affected man...those are really nice corals... try to do a water change 20% change with sea water from ah beng or go to marina south pier during high tide to get seawater if got transport,.
  21. how to prepare oyster feast??
  22. i bought a rock of red mushroom a few weeks back, it was doing fine for a week until it started to fall of the rocks one my one... what could be the problem here?
  23. very pretty cloves here...nice photography works bro
  24. do a fresh water dip, cost effective way to kill pest..
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