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Hairul Hakim

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Everything posted by Hairul Hakim

  1. Just bought rowaphos from ah beng yesterday and trying it out. 100ml in a media bag. PO4 before rowaphos- 1 After rowaphos - 0.3 Using salifert test kit. Hope this will work and get rid of the GHA in my sump. Its growing ridiculously long.
  2. Yeah the elegance is pretty nice. Sitting in well in my tank while waiting for her to rbing it back to her tank. Maybe should just epoxy/putty it in m tank so I get a free elegance. Haha!
  3. Hi need some help for ich. My yellow tang and gramma seems to be having ich. Will set up a qt tank for them soon as my dt has shrimps in it and can't use any medications. Any feedback from fellow reefers as to what's the best form of medication? Tried the freshwater dip before, didn't seem to work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Buy my algae! It will cover your live rock for sure, it's green!! Lol Try to get the rowaphos soon, should get a fr along with it as well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Will give u some of my chaeto soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Oh I definitely have more livestock in mind than just 2 tangs. Right, prolly I just start out with chaeto. As I increase my bioload/livestock, I will then purchase a bio pellet reactor if the fuge can't keep up. Good idea. Should rowa only be used in a reactor or will it be feasible in just a media bag? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Yeah, considering that the middle section of my sump would be a fuge mainly for chaeto and red algae( will be trimmed at times to feed my tangs), planning to keep 1-2 tangs, yellow+another, Will I still need a bio pellet reactor or will a fuge with chaeto be sufficient? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Hmmmm so I should utilize both. I prolly read wrong that bio pellets reduces po4 as well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. By the way, did a po4 reading as well, its 2 ( using API po4 test kit)
  10. Hi All, Gonna get my tank in really soon and now figuring out what equipment to have and make a list. Need a few pointers. I read that biopellet reduces NO3 and PO4, however, I also read that usually reefers utilize both rowaphos and biopellets...? So does biopellet actually reduces po4 as well or negative? I do have a 25gallon,2 footer marine tank now, which im using biosphere (just in a media bag, with chaeto in my sump), never had nitrate issues, ( usually at 2-5ppm, salifert test kit), however, im having a lot of green hair algae, so I think my po4 is pretty high, so I do not want to have similar issues when I set up my 3 footer. BTW, my 3 footer, gonna be a mix reef, mainly lps, and maybe a few sps (never tried keeping any before) Do give me some feedback, be it negative or positive. Thanks
  11. Anyone seen peppermint shrimps? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Just checked parameters. Ammonia - 0 Nitrite - 0 Nitrate - 2 Using Salifert test kits. Havent gotten po4 test kit yet.. However, I realized that I have some algae growing on my LR already. Does that actually conclude that my po4 is high? Any solutions? Bioload is currently from Yellow Tang Royal Gramma Yasha Goby Skunk Cleaner Randall's Pistol Banded Shrimp 2 Turbo Snails 1 reef scarlet Hermit And also realized my chaeto, seems to be turning brown and lighter shades of green, in some parts of it. Anyone knows why is that so? Feeding on New Life Spectrum Pellets in the morning Frozen Mysis for evening.
  13. And also, im 100% sure, one of my rock has a very huge bristle ( about at least 3 inches), part of body was still in rock. it was biting my yellow tang the other day, and my yellow tank looked semi paralysed at that point (didn't swim away to get away from the bristle) however, I already took out the LR with the worm in it, its been drying out for 3-4 days now, YT seems to be ok and perfectly healthy. Is there any way for me to remove the dead worm in it (pretty sure its dead after so long being dried out in the sun), or is it ok to just put it back in the DT and let it decompose out?)
  14. Hi All, just wanted to check if we do dry out/sun our LR and sand, that was previously in a tank that has LS with ich, how long do we need to dry it out to kill off the remaining ich (if theres any).
  15. Thanks a lot bro. Will ask Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Hi All, Does anyone knows where does drilling of holes in a tank (to setup a overflow system)? And roughly how much does it costs? Thanks.
  17. Rowophos, read about it that it can be used in just a media bag. Will that be good enough for a 2 footer? Not sure if I can get a fr that can fit into my sump. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Added my royal gramma and yasha goby from my QT to DT. Yasha seems to be able to find his pistol partner almost immediately. Royal Gramma seems to have find a cave for himself.
  19. Hi Guys, Just wanted some opinions. Thinking of keeping some easy lps in this setup of mine. Contemplating on getting a FR to add rowaphos. Currently running biosphere in just a media bag. Any opinions of adding a denitrator in as well? Any advice on any equipment to add for keeping some corals/lps as well? Thanks.
  20. Bought a pair of Randall's and yasha at ah beng last night. They have a few more pairs but not sure if he selling just pistols. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Hmmm. Where to get those? Not really sure what u talking about actually :-( Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Added both my pistol shrimp and cleaner goby. 100ml of bio sphere Big handful of chaeto from a friend Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Pink spot watchman still in hiding Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Added the following Yellow tang Pink spotted watchman goby Both from qt- around 2 weeks Now in qt Royal gramma Yasha goby Acclimatizing Cleaner shrimp Pistol shrimp (Randall's I think) 2 turbo snails Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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