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Everything posted by p.tm

  1. Yeah I just went down to marinelife yesterday and think I saw a melanurus wrasse
  2. And are the leds any good too?
  3. Bro how much did you spend in total for your diy set? Mind sharing your supplier's contact?
  4. Yeah the price seems too good to be true.. the lens angle is 90 degrees, its included in the description
  5. Hi fellow reefers, I'm recently considering upgrading my lighting to led. There is this led light on ebay which is very affordable but I cant seem to find any info on it.. my tank is 2x1x1.5 this is the link: http://www.ebay.com/itm/MR-120-LED-Aquarium-Light-Marine-Coral-Reef-55x-3W-SPS-Dimmable-Full-Spectrum-/301101657525?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item461b0eadb5 Any advice would be appreciated. I'm deciding between this, the eshine aquabeauty 70w or the odyssea 60cm quad t5ho.
  6. Yeah another submissive behaviour is showing its belly to the aggressor, or shaking its body
  7. Yea agreed with clementC bro.. not worth the money for an overflow imo
  8. Hi bro if you have time you can consider a diy overflow. Its a lot cheaper
  9. You can try hyposalinity treatment.. if you have a QT tank. Because some fish and all corals are sensitive to copper
  10. Nice tank bro! Any pics of your diy refuge?
  11. Anybody knows where else got cheap clams now? Just went to aquamarin, didn't see any clams..
  12. Hi ashwin Thanks for the advice I'll remove the sponges. My tank and cabinet are against the wall so I think I have some space for a sump behind.. My tank isn't drilled and I dont have a lot of $$ so I'm considering an DIY overflow.. Please advise
  13. Nice tank and really really beautiful photos.. thanks for sharing, gives me confidence in my newly started 2ft tank too
  14. Thanks for the quick replies guys I've ordered a tunze skimmer already but they currently no stock.. My cabinet too small for my spare tank so I intend to put it just behind my cabinet Also, is it possible not to go for an overflow? I've read about syphoning, is it possible to use this method to drain water to the sump instead? here's the link: http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-syphon-without-getting-anything-in-y/ What are the benefits of an overflow? no money right now I'm still studying heh heh that's a cool idea! would the mini dsb be too heavy for a HOB? i scared later it just break and fall off
  15. Hi fellow reefers I'm quite new to this forum and the marine hobby, have been running a 2x1x1ft tank for about 6 months now and only starting stocking recently.. Currently have 2 maroon clownfish(yes they fight.. ), 2 azure damsels and a BTA. My question is whether I need a sump, and if I do, what do I need to build a sump? plumbing, overflow etc.. I do have small spare tank. A rough cost estimate would be useful too Because I had a huge problem with nitrates before I did a major water change. My ammonia and nitrites are zero, nitrates are about 20ppm, currently running on a HOB filter. Thanks in advance
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