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Everything posted by lyeheng

  1. Which location should the brain place?
  2. If time allow. Then target feed
  3. You can remove it using a brush
  4. 3 sexy shrimps to give away. Self collect at Fernvale Rd. Leave me pm if interested.
  5. Hi. Im using a iceprobe to cool down my 3g to 26c.
  6. Hi, when you do water change, will the top coral expose to air?
  7. Is it convience to keep a reef tank in office? For small tank a lot of maintenance
  8. Check your salinity. What device you use to check?
  9. Collected. Thks for the interest.
  10. It has been reserved. Thanks
  11. Will nip at corals when not fed enough in my 3g tank thus giving away. If interested kindly leave a pm. Self collect at Fernvale Rd.
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