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Everything posted by Leong_varian

  1. Anyone interested, pls PM me & will pass his contact to u
  2. Hi all, helping a bro to sell his true percular size 2" and a six line 1" , both for 10. Collection near Dakota station.
  3. Hi anyone has any idea how many red notes for a juv Queen & size? Thk u
  4. Hi any idea how much is the pellet train flame at sea life?thank you
  5. Hi all, Have 2 big bag if bio ball for sale. Asking 35. Collection kovan 97653515
  6. Hi all, anyone letting go flame angel & black/white clown?
  7. Thk u bro Anyone who is interested, just offer me. Btw, is about 6", so min tank size 3ft above. Thk you
  8. Letting go my 1/2 year kept Emperor as he start attacking my small juv Emperor. This Emperor is very healty. Pellet I gave TDO, Era, Dr B, NLS. $60 collection near kovan. 97653515
  9. Bro Wrasse , thk u. Btw how difficult is to keep a regal? Is true as long as is pellet eating, no issue keeping her?
  10. Thank you. Intended to get a pair of black/white Ocellaris clown fish to put into a nano tank. Black white theme setup
  11. Yes but I have no more space in my QT..looking at a pellet train flame which I can straight away put into my DT
  12. Hi all, I am looking for pair of black clown & flame angel. Pls txt me 97653515 if anyone of u is letting go. Thank you
  13. Letting $15 for the healthy pellet eating 1.5" true percula clown, collect near kovan. 97653515
  14. Hi all, looking for a nano setup to keep only 2-4 fishes for my kid (size about 1.5ft) . Hope the setup incl LED lighting , filter , skimmer , budget < 80, anyone selling pls txt or WA 97653515. Prefer collection at east - Hougang area Thk you
  15. Hi all, Prefer collectin place at east or Hougang area for butterfly, clown fishes, flame angel ? Mt setup 422 & have 8 fishes only. 97653515
  16. Hi Newly open New Era mini Marine Grazer for $35 TDO Chroma Boost C1 $16. Just brought yesterday from Awnana for $60 Found C1 is too small For my fishes & my fish prefer pellet than the Grazer.. Collection kovan . 97653515
  17. FYI, I remove all LR from DT while dosing copper. & try to maintain 0.25-0.4..too high might kill fishes
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