intend to decom my
4x2x2.5 white cabinet with LED light sump tank $800, with ehiem return pump $80, Artica 1/3 HP $700, skimz skimmer $ 300 and live stock.
All healthy Live stock pellet trained -
1. Blue ring 5" $100
2. Emperor 6" $80
3. Blue face 6" $60
4. Sohal 5" $100
5. Purple tang 3" $50
6. Yellow tang 3.5" $50
7. Black clown 1.5" $20
8. True percular clown 1.5" $10
9. Flame angel 2.5" $50
Live stock $520, all for $450.
Will sell to a buyer who can take all live stock.
Take All for 2K include all rock and decor too.