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  1. Have decided to give away lobster in separate thread. Please close this one. Thanks
  2. Putting up my 5" blue spiny lobster for adoption. Has been with me for 9mths. Outgrowing my tank now. Collect at Pasir Panjang area by this weekend please. Contact me at 8two88 8nine77. FCFS Thanks
  3. Looking to trade my 5" blue spiny lobster for any tang or angelfish. Let me know if you would like to swap. Please PM or SMS me at 8two88 8nine77. Thanks
  4. Looking for healthy, pellet feeding Regal Angelfish. Please PM or contact me at 8two88 8nine77. Thanks
  5. New Trio (aka lck201) didn't have any when I was there on Mon. However, they have a caribbean shipment coming this Sat...
  6. Thanks folks. Got one from a friendly bro.
  7. Looking for yellow tang. Can PM or contact me at 8 two 88 8 nine 77. Thanks
  8. Looking for healthy pellet feeding flame angel. Thanks, SK 8two88 8nine77
  9. ewsk

    WTB Fishes

    Looking for the following fishes: Yellow belly regal angelfish Copperband butterflyfish Queen angelfish Pellet feeding please. Pls contact me at 8two88 8nine77 Thanks, SK
  10. Interested in the torch coral. Let me know if it's still available. Thanks, SK
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