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Everything posted by dnwolf

  1. Realise my calcium levels are extremely high , i think its probably because i used regular tap water treated with prime for my tank ( Heard tap water contains around 100ppm of calcium , no wonder)
  2. Hmmm ok will find some acrylic soon . Anyways , is now the time to implement the bio pellets? or should i wait for all the diatoms to completely die off?
  3. Hello guys looking for easy to keep SPS frags for my 30 gallon tank , will be transfering it to my larger tank once the cycle completes If you have some for sale or to give , please do give me a pm
  4. By the way , this is how i mounted the leds haha Not that fancy but the planks are not really noticeable so it shall do for now haha
  5. Hi guys just an update! I think the cycling process is more or less done Ammonia is at 0ppm Nitrite is at 0ppm I didn't check for nitrate since it was obvious that it was high So my tank went from this To this Should I some water change ? The skimmer was offline since the start of the tank , maybe now's the time to on it? Or do i wait till there's no more diatoms/cyano then i start the skimmer? Also , when should i start adding the bio pellets to my tank?
  6. Hi all im looking for the following live stocks Yellow tang Powder blue tang Blue tang Long nose hawk fish Bangaii Cardinal fish Galaxy clarkii clown fish
  7. Bro im buying actually haha anyways i found a reactor , will collect on saturday haha Im still looking for Refractometer Condition : 7-9/10 Biohome standard / ultra / plus 1-3kg And I'm also looking for the following fishes: Blue tang Yellow Tang Galaxy Clarkii Clownfish pair(Or other types of clown excluding the normal ones) Powder blue tang Longnose Hawkfish
  8. Anyone kept them before? Im thinking of getting this eel for my 4ft 120gallon tank . Isit reef and fish safe? cos im thinking of making it a mixed reef as well. Here's a couple of fishes in my mind that i would like to put with it : -blue tang -Yellow tang -Cinnamon clown fish Oh and lastly , where can i get them and at what price?
  9. Looking for the following items : Phosban 550 reactor Condition: functional 7-9/10 Refractometer Condition : 7-9/10 Biohome standard / ultra / plus 1-3kg
  10. Nope if the controller is locked there will be a blinking light there , haiyo i think is controller spoil ler and worst of all its set under the lowest flow rate possible and the duration is so short that its practically useless .
  11. HELP!@@@ My JEBAO wp40 controller is not responding , its currently at h1 and only the light at h1 is blinking , the rest are not. Even after i pressed the mode button , nothing happens , When i press the speed button nothing happens . When i turn the duration knob nothing happens! Help ! Is there something wrong with it ? I tried unplugging it! Do they sell spare controllers?
  12. Hi all , I've got a second hand wp40 jebao wavemaker from a fellow reefer recently , the thing all works great and its incredibly silent , however, I cannot change the settings via the controller , anyone knows why ? When i press the mode button or the speed/feed buttons non of it works , Im not sure why , but the only the lights on the h1 setting is blinking , the rest are all off. Also , i cannot tune the durations between each wave with the knob , anyone migt know ? I tried to unplug it but nothing works
  13. WTB GFO reactor and still looking for dosing unit! ~
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