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Everything posted by dnwolf

  1. The other mushroom which is on the same rock looks fine ... How lol.. Can save anot
  2. Hey guys , This mushroom seems to be ripping itself apart oo The tentacles are drifting along the current and the walls of the mushroom looks thin and fragile. Should i remove or is it splitting? Also my gsp has yet to open . I place it on the top of my rock structure so that i can receive the most light and water movements but it still isn't opening.
  3. So anyone used the Monzter overflow box ? Is it ok? Will it fit into the 130?
  4. Im using a Hailea 150A chiller , its second hand but never been used before. Anyone knows where i can get cheap , ready made sump tanks ?
  5. So , I'm thinking of creating a 10 gallon sump in my Red Sea max 130 . In it i would include a refugium and some prefilters so that i could breed cope pods while getting rid of nitrates. I don't wanna drill a hole into my tank so i really need a overflow box that doesn't require me to do just that . I heard live reef overflow box is ideal for the 130 but I cant find any local distributors online. However i did find the Monzter Overflow box which was available on Fresh'n'Marine and i thought maybe it was just i need. Anyone used this before? ( Is it over-flow proof ? A thumbs up or down ? ) Would it fit into the filtration compartment of my tank? Also anyone knows what size my sump should be so that i could fit in a refugium and maybe some extra filtration media like carbon and maybe some wool. I'll be connecting the refugium's return pump , which would be a Eheim 1000 to my chiller and back into the Main DT . Would that be ok?
  6. Hello ! Im just wondering if there's an online local based coral / lifestock seller so that I don't need to make a trip over to the lfs ( hehe lazy me ) ..
  7. Hello fellow reefer, lol just curious as I might head to pasir ris today ... are the marine shops there open during this festive period ?
  8. Hello fellow reefer, lol just curious as I might head to pasir ris today ... are the marine shops there open during this festive period ?
  9. Is there something that we are trying to cultivate ?
  10. What's the difference between a mature tank and a new tank ? I thought all we needed was the beneficial bacterial growth ? Or is there some other things that im missing out?
  11. Anyone owns a Diamond Plus alkaline water dispenser ? Does it dispense out distilled water with no chemical additives? Also , anyone owns a Hailea 150A water chiller and a Red Sea Max 130? Im trying to find a suitable pump to bring draw the water into the chiller but i cant find one with the correct tube or body size . It must be able to fit into the filtration compartment of the Red Sea Max 130 and should have the correct tube size to fit into the Hailea chiller .... I tried using my old Ehiem 2213 external canister filter but its tubes does not fit! Someone help! Thanks in advance!
  12. Hmm i just checked my water parameters : Ammonia-0 (Surprisingly it did not spike) Nitrite-0 (Same for this) Nitrate-0 (Same for this) pH-8.2 Alkalinity-10dKH Calcium- I'm not sure lol but i use reef salt , no other additives. Phosphate - I'm not sure too but I use Prime treated tap water Salanity-1.021 ( It dropped ! Im not sure why either ... The water level seems the same to me) Could it be , because of my tank water movement ? I once saw it floating around and flipping itself again Or could it be because of my tank inhibitants ( Suspects : Blue legged hermit , Yellow striped blenny ) Im afraid my tank would crash because of the toxins the anemone would release when its dying... Good thing i remove it soon after it passed away... @RedDevils : The anemone was definitely looking healthy when i first bought it from Pasir Ris. I think its because i did not acclimate it well... I let the bag float around my tank for around 5 minutes , but i did not drip acclimate . Instead , I let the a stream of water in every 5 seconds or so ...(I think this may be it) Also i did handled it with my bare hands when it flipped over ... @comycus : There doesn't seem to be extreme temperature swings but the salinity did change. Also the first day it was looking healthy in my tank for around an hour , then it deflated and shrivelled up ... The next day it flipped over and was still shrivelled up .. And then it died on the third day.. Anyways , someone please give me tips on saving a my mushrooms and gsp , i think the toxins are affecting it ...
  13. The light period of my tank is from 10 am - 10.30 pm . Im using the stock lighting from the red sea max 130 , so if im not wrong its 4watts per litre . The tunze 9002 haven't broken in ... the temperature in the tank is 29-31 degrees . Im not using RO/DI water , instead im using tap water and seachem prime . The tanks diatoms issue has lessen since it last finished its cycle. I have 1 yellow striped blenny and 1 small clown . Someone please help mushrooms.... They look all shrivelled up and their mouths are opened T.T The fishes however are looking great ... im not sure why... did the toxin not kill them? LOL
  14. Some of the the mushrooms are losing their coloration and their mouth is open .. What should i do ? !
  15. Im using API test kits ... I think maybe because of the temperature ... Anyone knows what pump to use together with a hailea 150 A chiller? I cant use an ehiem 2213 coz the tube won't fit ... Also , the pump must be able to fit into the filter compartment of a rsm 130 .. Someone help!
  16. Hey why are my mushroom all shrivelled up and looking sick? Is this because of my anemone? What should i do to save it? Someone please help! i Dont want them to die! T.T
  17. Well my tank is 2 weeks old and it finished cycling just a few days ago... I've read articles online and they said that the green bubble tip anemone are really hardy so i've decided to get my hands on one... The first day it was relatively ok , for the first few hours it was well inflated , didn't move that much and was looking really healthy . Then later at night ( the lights are still on) it sorta became deflated and shrivelled up. The next day i found it on the sand bed , over turned. So i used my bare hands to place it back into the hole i previously placed it in and it was still shrivelled up . It kept flipping over for no good reason so i just let it be . Then today , its leg which once looked healthy , became thorn and ragged and i knew something was wrong . When i removed it , the tissue ripped apart so i quickly threw it away and ran carbon . I also dosed 5x the recommended dosage of prime to help with the decaying tissues . Now the clown , blenny and hermits are looking healthy but the mushrooms are sorta shrivelled up like how they do at night.
  18. whyyyyy??? My water was good .. ammonia : undetectable nitrite : undetectable nitrate : undetectable My Alkalinity is 10dKH and my salinity is 1.023.... I don't see why my bubble tip anemone would just die like that... Is it because of the temperature? I haven't got a pump for my hailea 150 chiller so the temps around 29-30 degrees , but it seldom fluctuate ... I've removed the anemone but its stinking flesh was ripped apart so easily... Now my tank is full with bits and pieces of flesh... I'm afraid of the sudden spike of ammonia and nitrite so I did the emergency dosage of seachem prime to my tank.. The inhabitants still look healthy though... So sad... The decomposing smell was smellier than anything I've ever smelt and it became gooey after i removed the main body from the tank.. I'll be monitoring the ammonia and nitrite levels to make sure they don't spike up too much... My Red sea max 130 is currently running on 3 packets of carbon , 2 packets of ceramic rings and has a tunze 9002 upgrade(haven't broke in yet though) , will that be enough to clear up the mess and make it suitable for my future bta ? Thanks in advance guys!
  19. The RSM 130 is 35 gallons ( including the filter compartment behind it ) . I've got 3 hermit crab which i purchased from Pasir Ris in my tank now . But i don't think that they are that effective at clearing the diatoms and other algae growth , so someone reccomend me a good algae eater pls!
  20. Well im using the stock lighting from RSM 130.. Is that enough? Annnnndd how long would it take before the xenia grows completely ?
  21. hehe yesh! Its not an aiptasia and i got free xenias! They seem to be spreading really quickly , the xenia ofcz .. Anyone knows how long it would take before reaching full maturity ? Oh and can someone fix my green star polyp problem? All the polyps retracted as soon as i took it out from the water at the lfs , but its not opening at all , still a purple mat ... What should i do lol
  22. It retracted into a little hole in my liverock when i swirled a twig infront of its face LOL
  23. Hello fellow reefers , My tank is currently 2 weeks old , and is fully cycled thanks to microbacter7 . The parameters are 0 ammonia , 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate and i've just introduced to my tank 2 colonies of mushroom corals , one green star polyp ,one green bubble tipped anemone and 4 hermit crabs . Anyways they are all doing well except the bta(keeps toppling over and its all shrivelled up and deflated) and the gsp (became a purple mat) , maybe some one can give me some advice on them too . However just yesterday night i notice something ... It looked exactly like an aiptasia and it acts like one . Here's the pictures : They are really really tiny LOL ... Oh and can someone help me identify this too ? It came tgther with my mushroom colony : I've asked other people from other forums and they said its a xenia XD Is that true?
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