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Everything posted by ml708

  1. Yeah mine opened just alittle! Hopefully it opens more in the next few days!
  2. Does anyone use hormones such as ovaprim to induce milt production and ovulation in fish? Would be helpful to know in order to breed fish that do not spawn naturally in an aquarium setting!
  3. I need hair algae for a breeding project, are there places where I can buy some?
  4. Wow, maybe because yours is female? I heard that female toadstools are up to 2 feet in diameter but males only reach 4 inches. Don't know how true that is though
  5. I forgot to add, does a skimmer drastically reduce CO2 levels? Because from what I understand hair algae require CO2 to survive.
  6. I understand that the skimmer is used to remove doc and general proteins from the water. My question is this though, are these docs required for hair algae growth? All I know is that they require phosphate. Is it possible to run a skimmer and grow hair algae at the same time? I need it as a substrate for my filefish to breed!
  7. Just curious, how fast do toadstool corals grow?
  8. Yeah, I've coated acro frags with ocean gel and will feed them in the morning with it. Hopefully they will be more interested in it than my sps! They really like the Bali green slimer, ate like 50% of one of my 4in coral in less than a week!
  9. Yeah I know the filefishes are hard to keep, but I have a dedicated sps tank for them to eat all they want. They are all healthy with fat bellies!
  10. Please share where you got them! Do they eat mysis?
  11. hahaha yeah! I love oddballs man. The angelfish will bite the filefish I'm guessing?
  12. I currently have 6 juvenile orange spot filefish in my sps tank together with a sea apple and Duncan coral. Thought of introducing a small emperor angelfish around 4-5in long to the tank, but I'm not sure if it will be aggressive towards the filefish and bite my corals and sea apple. From what I heard the angelfish normally targets brain coral so would this be safe?
  13. Update: The fish still isn't feeding. I even saw a mysis fly straight into its mouth and it just spat it out (all this was seen under red lighting as it cannot see red). Thus I was forced to catch it out and force feed some clam max with a syringe. However it did spit out some of it but I believe most went into the stomach. I will keep trying!
  14. Wow that's really amazing, 10 of them! Have they tried to breed? Can you sex them?
  15. Yeah mine is only out in pitch black. I will continue offering mysis until it starts to actively eat. How many do you have and how big are they? And where did you source them from? I don't really think a.katropon grows to the size of 14in, that is prob some other deeper sea version. I'm getting 2 more this Tuesday hopefully.
  16. I tried to feed this fish in complete darkness at around 10pm when all the lights were off. So yours just basically filter feeds I'm guessing?
  17. I put in some live and frozen mysis, North Atlantic brine shrimp and cyclopeese to try to get him to it, but he seems spooked by the food. I didn't physically see him eat but he keeps playing with his reflection in the glass. Now almost all of the food I put in is gone, but it could have been sucked into my filtration system. However I did see him poop once, which could be a sign that he did feed. From your experience do they actively feed in front of you from day 1? How long can they go without food?
  18. It looks like my toadstool coral is shedding some slime, and I have used a syringe to blow off the accumulated slime on it. Once the old slime is removed, it looks shiny, but still won't open! Any reasons for that? My nitrates and phosphates are absolutely 0 and mg, ca, alk and pH are perfect
  19. Its really active at night and hides in a cave I made in the day, so I doubt stress is an issue in terms of not eating. I'm trying to feed mine marine snow which has zooplankton in it, and chopped up pieces of prawn but it just won't take it. Anyone kept this fish before able to advise on its diet? I hear that mysis shrimp appears to be a real favourite, getting some frozen ones tmr. Or do they only eat live ones. Could you share where you got your live mysis from if its required for them to survive? Thank you!
  20. I keep mainly sps, but then again calcium dropping by 50 per day is crazy haha
  21. http://www.reefsmagazine.com/forum/reefs-magazine/79032-journey-crinoid-keeping-michael-lukaczyn.html This article might help! I'm going to get all the ingredients to feed them on mon
  22. My deltec skimmer impeller keeps getting jammed by calcium deposits in the tank. For some reason calcium levels are always dropping despite constantly high alk and mg levels, which results in me adding a lot of calcium to the tank very often. Anyone encountered similar issues and know how to resolve?
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