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Andre'A' Lim

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Everything posted by Andre'A' Lim

  1. Andre'A' Lim


    Hey I wanna trade my 2ft iOS tank with skimmer, pump and a aqua sonic 4tube but only 2working and some dead rock for a 2ft cube with sump or 2ft cube ios. Please be aware that the tank only 1month old. Reason trading is because I want 2ftx2ft cause bigger. Thanks
  2. btw also have hammer coral. Both 1 head
  3. torch coral u interested?
  4. I don't mean to kill it but have no chioce as it is a killer. Hope it helps and happy catching hairy crabs:)
  5. My tank ever have a small hairy crab around 20 cents and it's dam Feirce. Killed my shunk shrimp which is bigger. I got so pissed off and took that rock which the crab is hiding out of the water. But stil can't find coz it hide in the holes of my rock. So what I did is put my rock in a pail with pump at high salinity level for a couple of days and guess what. It just die and to my surprise there is many smaller ones!
  6. Wow I better check on my clam today. Thanks for the info
  7. I wanna stick my frag to my rock in my tank but not removing out the rock from tank, izzit ok if I put same glue to the back of my frag and immediately stick it to the rock in my tank? Will it disrupt my water too? Is daiso glue able to do that?
  8. Yea bacteria booster helps alot. Been through that. haha
  9. Hey just to update u, the maron is doing very well and i tried to upload using hp but dunno how to. Dont worry
  10. For me is the water parameter and the light plays a big role not only to zoas but all other coral.
  11. mod i found it. pleae close thread
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