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Everything posted by ASHWIN

  1. Hi Bro at The Moment its very tiny..When it grows i will gv some to you..can trade with your sps? I Was Reading it was rare..Its a Blue Plating Montipora!>>http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/showthread.php?t=499712
  2. Hehe No Lol..Thanks Bro!..Your tank too swee swee! Nice Meeting you! Wrasse lover!
  3. Thanks Bro Thanks To you for whatsapping me every day Haha for the words of encouragement! cheers!
  4. As The Above Looking for it.. If you do Have a Piece Please Pm Me Thanks!
  5. Canon compact Cam Update! Teaser to 5D Shoot! Radioactive BN Doing well! Got This Acro Browned out..Now its colouring up! blue monti doing well! Betta Photobomb New skimmer! Performance is very good! Kopi O Nice skimmate!
  6. Thank You bro,Will Get My cam together soon! Things Are Getting better For The Shrimp didnt Train bro. Just Aclimated Well And Then after a Week no Aiptasia! Cheers!
  7. Looks good!..Hope your clown is not to big..Some times elegance coral will just shrink up,, If the clown is small..then no prob cheers!
  8. Just A Small Update.. 1:Peppermint shrimps rocks! all aiptasia gone! Today did some small fragging to make space to buy more zoanthids also DIP'ed Some Colony's..In Revive..I Was shocked that the revive smelled like Mopping soap/or liquid was abit scared..Haha all went smooth..smelled lemony..LOL time to zoas hunt!..Been feeding my zoas NLS Pellets can see them enjoy it!..will get a photoshoot going soon also got a Scrubb And clean by my shrimps!..Great Mutualism! Mutualism At Its Best!
  9. Hope All Goes Well bro! feed Them Some garlic Enriched Food Best To Boost Thier Imune so They can Fight The Desease Off bro! Cheers!
  10. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=26258 looking at The Review's Here i Might try it out!..
  11. sorry for Your Loss! Stay Strong bro Hope all will be well Cheers!
  12. Sorry for your loss bro..Actually dont need to wait for pods population..sixline wrasse can succesfully be kept with Feeding Live brine,Mysis pellets etc.. Very nice tank Lah! ..Love the Brain And very good SPS PE/Growth! .. cheers!
  13. Some Info for you bro >http://www.nano-reef.com/topic/108767-clownfish-information-and-pairing-guide/ cheers!
  14. If you add live sand, then add it slowly . Choose one part of the aquarium and move the sand over. Place the new live sand in the cleared spot. Adding new sand on old sand can trap excess detritus. It also can kill the little critters that are use to the ph of the old sand (new sand will create different ph zones, as well as ammonia pockets from die off). By seperating the sand you are allowing the new sand to equallize with the rest of the old sand (removing possible harm from sand sifters). Even if the new sand is not LS it is a good practice to follow. cheers!
  15. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2003/1/inverts Pls read this article before keeping them some When Injured or Dead will release toxins and Might wipe of the tank.. anyway just for a precaution read the link.. cheers!
  16. Thanks for the inputs..please share you updates on colour/Length of PE of your sps here looking forward to Trying it..Im Just feeding roids everyday..Good old long PE But heard Acropower is helping with colours in other forums i saw.. Thanks! Have a good day! cheers!
  17. I Use SSB..Easy to maintain and wont choke dirt in itself..
  18. Get A Testpen Off All Equip. On one by one and see the pen light up not.. My 100% bet is your Pump wire..Sure broke or bent..Just inspect Your Reactor Pumps or skimmer..if not better test using testpen..Sometimes got fine cracked cant be seen from The naked Eye Cheers!
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