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Posts posted by limbssg

  1. T. crocea clams are the ones most known for gaping whether it's stressed or not. Give them sufficient lights and make sure no fishes are nipping at the mantles. Keep Cal, Alk, SG and pH in proper range.

    If u see bleaching near the inner-center area of the mantle, then it's not having enough lights. Place the clam high up on the LR and position it such that it's facing the light directly, rather than facing the front of the tank.

    The worst case is when the clam is retracting badly, pretty much can't save it already.

    Pic of a Clam Retracting


  2. I'm not in favour of any thing related to gambling.

    I know of a close relative who played mahjong with his wife and other friends almost everyday at home. They didn't tk care of his only son and just let him go out and play with some kids outside. But, this boy mixed with bad company and went to steal, sniff glue etc, eventually put into jail at the age of ard 18yrs old. His father was very sad abt this, tried to commit suicide and some time later suffered a stoke, he couldn't work now....

    At this point, it's too early to say that casinos are beneficial to SG society.

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