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Everything posted by limbssg

  1. yes they are prone to ich, as well as blue tangs. IMO, the PT will be harassing the PBT.
  2. looks great! p.s: ur clam is lying on the side
  3. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=52 and recently someone created a website for LFS info, pls search for it
  4. 'pop eye' disease is most probably due to water quality, u can wait for few days for the cleaner wrasse to adapt to the tank. Sometimes it take one week plus to recover. I don't think it is fatal to the fish.
  5. http://services.spservices.sg/cs_services_energy-audit.asp say, if you have a pump which is 45W, use Incandescent light 15W (Qty=3) to calculate.
  6. why don't u do the piping this way (one elbow and a check valve). cos with ur loop design (3 elbows), will have 3 ft more head loss.
  7. Congrats, DeepBlue! Here is the translated version,
  8. The reporter had not done background research with regards to the history/development of marine fish hobby and shows much ignorance in this article. Hopefully, will not see another wave of 'nemo craze' in SG....
  9. pls reserve for me. Will collect tmrw.
  10. http://server2.hksaltfish.com/cgi-bin/shopping.pl
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