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Everything posted by limbssg

  1. for those who have read The Da Vinci Code novel by Dan Brown may wish to see what other opinions this film can offer. It's 1 hr 40 min long.
  2. Local media try to bluff us again support JB DVD....
  3. that's really funny! Heard that World rank number 18th NUS is "Not Uni Standard"...
  4. each dialysis session will now cost $162, it used to be abt $200. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/sin.../163980/1/.html I just hope this CAD will be impartial, instead of coming in to wayang. At the end of the day, this massive "charity organisation" still needs a lot of donation to keep it going.
  5. ========================================== SINGAPORE, Aug 12 (Reuters) In a corner of Andrew Kuan's three-bedroom, book-cluttered apartment hangs a photo of him, grinning as he receives a trophy from former Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong. ''That was in 2002 when I scored a hole-in-one in a golf tournament,'' said the 51-year-old chartered accountant, who has created a stir by seeking to run for president in the city-state, a largely ceremonial but potentially powerful post. The political establishment has turned decidedly less cordial after Kuan, a member of the ruling People's Action Party (PAP), emerged last week as a possible contender in what had been seen as a second-term shoo-in for the 81-year-old government-backed incumbent, S R Nathan, a former internal security chief. An unknown before his surprise bid, Kuan has come under attack for his employment record. This week, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong called on him to be ''completely open'' about his past. Yesterday, the government agency that employed Kuan as chief financial officer for three years issued a public statement saying that he was asked to resign after an ''unsatisfactory'' performance. It would not give details. The pro-government media have also cited the unhappiness of another former employer, water treatment firm Hyflux , over not knowing of Kuan's ''ambitions'' when it hired him. Kuan told Reuters he was unperturbed by the adverse publicity as he was ''physically, mentally and spiritually prepared''. ''I believe in the letter of the Singapore Constitution and the spirit of the national pledge,'' he said. ''It's for all of Singapore to see if we are a truly democratic society based on justice, equality and meritocracy.'' POWER OVER 116 BILLION DOLLARS Kuan is one of three candidates seeking to enter the race against the incumbent. But he is the most likely to meet the strict requirements for the post, which has custodial powers over the city-state's vast reserves of $116 billion. Before facing Singapore's 2.1 million eligible voters, candidates must display experience in heading a state body or a firm with minimum capital of S$100 million ($61 million). Kuan, an avid reader of political biographies and motivational books, said he decided six years ago to run for the post, which has been uncontested since 1993. Singapore's constitution was modified in 1991 changing a government-appointed post to an electoral one and giving the office veto power over government budgets. Garry Rodan, Director of Murdoch University's Asia Research Centre in Australia, said the government's response to Kuan's bid throws into question its promise for greater openness. ''If he is deemed ineligible for the contest in spite of a lack of any wrongdoing on his part, then the government displays a complete lack of confidence in the Singapore people to judge for themselves,'' he said. This could have consequences for the ruling party in the next general elections, expected later this year, he said. Kuan, however, insisted he was not interested in testing political limits in the wealthy Southeast Asian state. ''I'm just doing what the Constitution allows me to. I am pro-Singapore and not anti-PAP ... Let the people see if we really walk the talk,'' said the father of two adult children. CONSULTING FIRM Prior to his government stint, Kuan ran his own business consulting firm for more than 13 years and worked in foreign multinational companies. The eighth of 15 children, Kuan said his father became a locksmith to support the family after he lost his goldsmith business. ''I have known hardship,'' he said. Kuan said he joined the ruling party six years ago to better understand its inner workings ahead of his bid: ''They are very well-organised. It's a systematic and well-oiled machine. I've learnt from the best.'' The first directly elected president, Ong Teng Cheong, was openly critical of the government, complaining that information about Singapore's national reserves was withheld from him in spite of his custodial role. His successor, former civil servant Nathan, has had a more harmonious relationship with the government since his tenure began in 1999. A government-appointed committee will determine by August 17 if Kuan or the other two applicants can run. If the presidency is contested, the election will be held on August 27. ==============================================
  6. http://www.zaobao.com/sp/sp050810_513.html 40%汽油折扣?   手机简讯“谣言惑众” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● 唐海国 刘庆成摄   本地各油站昨天并没有如谣传般给予40%汽油折扣,让许多驾车者大失所望。   一则有关各油站为欢庆40周年国庆,从昨天下午4时至晚上8时四个小时内给予40%折扣的手机简讯,从前天起广泛流传开来。 蚬壳“卖关子”   本报昨天3时左右分别向各汽油公司查询,除蚬壳(Shell)对简讯内容不置可否外,其他汽油公司都斩钉截铁表示“绝无此事”。   蚬壳发言人还卖关子说:“答案到时就会揭晓。”   许多驾车者接获简讯后信以为真,下午4时一到,纷纷涌向油站排队,造成一些油站出现车龙。   李炳辉(28岁,教师)也接到这则简讯,并在昨天下午4时准时到油站添油,却失望而归。   他说:“这则手机简讯害很多人去添油。”   廖思远(38岁,保险经纪)从昨天下午3时30分起,就驾车到各汽油站询问,但所得到的答复都是:“我们也不确定。”   他说,前天接获三则有关简讯,还信以为真,以为能在国庆日省下一笔钱,结果一场空欢喜。   不过,黄佩芬(35岁,家庭主妇)受访时说:“我一看到简讯就知道是骗人的,如果真有40%折扣,汽油公司一定会大事宣传,它们怎会放过这样的机会?”
  7. the young girl was probably looking seductively at the old man
  8. 1st class govt agency, world standard hor! Just take our $$$ in advance. Any prob can settle later but wasting the time of both party. I can't understand why they adopt this practice. Is it they afraid we own $$$ don't pay up or we will run away with the hse.... somemore so many of the households have seen unexplained increase in elect usage.
  9. I think one of the requirements is to invest USD$50k, read this http://www.thaivisa.com/
  10. it is from The Blue Planet DVD, highly recommended. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...?v=glance&s=dvd
  11. share a short video clip here... http://www.zippyvideos.com/3968904790845.html
  12. share a short video clip here... 0001.zip
  13. Singapore Fireworks Festival 2005 > There will be a 2nd Singapore Fireworks Festival that will be held at > Marina East. Schedules are as > follow: > > Date : Saturday, 6th August 2005 > Time : 7:45PM > Venue : Marina Bay > Theme : Portuguese-Themed > > Date : Monday, 8th August 2005 > Time : 11:59PM (Countdown to National Day) Venue : Marina Bay Theme : > Singapore-Themed Add : There will be a music performance by SCO > > Date : Sunday, 14th August 2005 > Time : 8:30PM > Venue : Marina Bay > Theme : French-Themed
  14. go for branded ones like canon, nikon, minolta etc, as they can still produce good photos even with entry-level models. see here for the reviews, http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/
  15. Avast antivirus, free. Been using it for few month, so far so good. It also scans incoming emails in outlook express. http://www.avast.com/index.html http://www.avast.com/eng/avast_4_home.html
  16. Why did the Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan read the letter in Parliament? What was the purpose to make the letter known to the public? Maybe there will be some interesting outcome in future....
  17. Petmart, LFS and some hardwareshops sell them. Remember to buy plastic type and the holes must be just big enough for the fish to pull out some seaweed.
  18. saw this at sammyboy forum: So, was NKF managed properly? Did NKF fulfiled its primary objectives for the patients/society?
  19. fish also want some variety, at times eat weatern food, sometimes chinese food. this is how I hold the seaweed inside the PVC pipe (bottom of the pic):
  20. Why is there no apology from NKF (TTD and exective council) and Mrs Peanut? Do they feel that it's alright to misuse public funding? Their face (面子) is much more important even when the public had complained and withdrawn donations as an act of objection. All these years, there was so much deception and inaccurate info, it is not right to downplay the seriousness of this matter. If TTD didn't withdraw from the case, there will be more shit revealed and it has been shown that he is somebody without integrity and honesty. screen captured just a while ago (17 July, 10.10am) from CNA forum certainly takes very long time to approve a post.....
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