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Everything posted by AquaReefer

  1. Where is east coast? Hope it won't take too long to setup. Anybody know which restaurant has the best reef tank?
  2. How long have you kept the reproducing Gonio?
  3. Just succesfully fed my plate with a pellet. It's fun to watch.
  4. Due to space constraint, I am also limited to 40cm depth which many senior reefers said it's too narrow. Length wise I can go 2 feet. Does your $280 include the cabinet and sump?
  5. When you guys drink kopi, please jio me. New reefer here eager to learn.
  6. What size is the tank? No sump? What filter do you use? Thinking of upgrading.
  7. This is really making me scare. No wonder I heard some people boil dead rock and start fresh. How many really does that?
  8. Do we need to cure those rocks with Zoas? Any guidelines to cure them?
  9. I am looking for higher flow small pump that can fit into my IQ5 return pump column. Any recommendation? I have not seen a Zoas Nudi. Hope that I don't encounter them.
  10. Any particular Pulsing Xenia to recommend or a 16L tank? Where is the best place to buy them from? Ard what price? I saw a pink color pulsing Xenia in a friend's but have not seen in any shop. What can I buy it?
  11. Are you using the original return pump that come with the tank? Is it able to create enough flow for the corals?
  12. Where you bought all your Zoas collection? Average how much each?
  13. There is a Marin farm in seletar, T95 or something. Is there a reefer group for people in Thomson or Upper Thomson areas?
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