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Everything posted by tanb0003

  1. It's just the tank itself. 10mm thick crystal glass is quite expensive.
  2. You can try researching thermoelectric chiller. As there is no refrigerant, you can flip side ways. There is one from gemsurfs. Dimension L14.0xB30.0xH21.5 Good for 16gal or 70L. May fit under ur TV console just nice with 5mm spare.. Haha.. Or there's ice probe thermoelectric chiller. You can put it in ur sump. But need to drill a hold to put the probe in. Never tried thermoelectric before, not sure of their performance.
  3. U can SMS Ben @ 9450 0947. My chiller is Arctica DBI-050-D (1/15hp or 900btu) good for most nano tank up to 60gal. W19.6xD32.0xH35.8 Retail is $880 u can check from FnM. I got it less than $800. Even cheaper than NA. Chiller has the highest power consumption. I would pay more for a more efficient one. For my 50+L tank. It only run 15mins and stop for 60-75mins. I have 2 paired crown, 1 cleaning shrimp, 1 diamond goby, 1 mandarin dragonet n 4 snails. Wanted to add 1 more baby Sohal Tank.. But scare they grow too fast. Can't get angels cos not reef safe. Sigh.. Guess I'll just have to settle with dart or gamma.
  4. I buy most of my equipments and test kit from serangoon petmart. Very cheap. 10-20% cheaper than FnM prices. But must pay cash. Some of the product he may not have ex stock but can order anything from him. I recently ordered several Salifert test kits from him, which he usually don't sell.
  5. My tank is placed on top of my washing machine cabinet. Previously, I had an oven there. Feng shui. Bo Bian.. Make do with the space lor. Lucky still can find a baby chiller. Size all the equipment placing then maximized the tank dimension. If only my lucky spot in my living room. ;( So far my filter n bio pellets are doing fine. No nitrate n phosphate. I only use 50g of NP. I wash my mechanical sponge weekly. The rest no touch. Are you going to have more reef or fish? If reef, no chiller very tough.. Very hard to bring temperature down to 27deg by fan cooling. Unless u on air-con 24/7.
  6. This picture was taken when my tank arrived. As you can see, i have very limited space to work with. tank on the left, chiller on the right. skimmer inside, filter and reactor behind.
  7. I paid $280 for my full crystal 44x40x40 (10mm) Normal glass will cost less than half of the price
  8. Hi, Just started my nano tank too. 44x40x40 crystal tank 10mm (custom made) No sump. These are my equipments; Totto Hang on 7 stage filter 1) mechanical sponge 2) sera siporax mini 3) seachem matrix 4) biohome plus 5) chemi pure elite 6) totto active carbon 7) totto np reducer (Haha.. I put a lot of rubbish in that 7 stage) TLF Phosban 150 with bio pellets Tunze 9004 protein skimmer JBJ 1/15hp chiller with eheim 1248 With chiller, evaporation rate is slower than fan cooling. I only top up 1L every week. My parameters are ideal. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, nitrate, phosphate
  9. Hi, Does anybody know when I can buy juvenile 1) Sohal Tang 2) Clown Tang 3) Powder Brown Tang And approximate price? Went to coral farm last weekend, mostly adult Tanks. Only got juvenile yellow n blue tanks. Thanks.
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