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Everything posted by divinesloth

  1. Those serpent looking stars that have teeth on the edges and moves very fast? Marine Life has got 1 on the hermit tank.
  2. Ermm...no leh. My shrimps can live for 2 weeks in saltwater. Yes, anglers are reefsafe.
  3. Ooorrrr....so you are the one who bought the patchy red angler. I have 2 anglers (Agent White and Agent Red) myself and from my experience, they will not eat frozen fish. I feed mine with feeder mollies that I acclimatise in saltwater, feed them with flake food vitamins for a few weeks before feeding them to the anglers. I also feed my anglers with feeder shrimps...they can be acclimatised to live in saltwater too. Since your angler is so small, I guess you can only try brine shrimps and really small feeder shrimps. Becareful of your tank mates....keep only with peaceful fishes else they will be eaten or picked on and die since its so small. My first angler died from constant harassment from my porcupine, else they are really hardy. Hope that helped.
  4. I think its not that we cannot post negative things like "###### charged me $50 for a clown". These are facts and cannot be considered as defamation. Its replies like "yeah, ###### is shit. They always overcharge. ######'s shop is a joke". These comments are too general and we do not know if its a fact so can be considered defamatory...I think. I no lawyer....just a bloody designer ;p
  5. What! Luo Hans are not kept in marine tank??? No wonder my mum's LH is not moving in my marine tank....tot it was sleeping
  6. Hi, why don't we do reports like this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 07 Mar 03 Time: 15:30 Loaction: Bukit Cina Shop: Don't Complaint Me Marine Fish Trading On the day, time and location stated above, the boss of the LFS told me that adding urine into your marine tank will enhance your Luo Han's color....yada yada yada.... and charged me $50 for a packet of the boss's pee. The usual price of a bag of pee elsewhere is $10. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noticed that I did not post anything bad about the shop, the event was stated objectively and up to the reader to judge. A reader's reply would probably be: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Divinesloth I think you are overcharged for that packet of pee...why don't you buy mine for $5. I drink orange juice everyday thus its vitamin C enriched. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Sloth I agree....that shop overcharged you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will I still get sued? I hope not ;p Cheers
  7. Hi I'll add my 2 cents worth here. I feel that a LFS should be not be judged solely on the pricing of their products but also by their work ethics. Shops that give bad and outdated advice, shops that is out to make quick bucks and shops that do not attend to customers needs are more worthy of making into the blacklist than just price. , no war.
  8. I used to have 1...tot it jumped out and got eaten up by my dog. Bought another 1 then realise my porcupine was the culprit. They were really cute....
  9. Actually if you read up abit more, you'll realise that most books will tell you to never never never add copper to your main tank. Everything will die, except your fishes....
  10. Hi My Anglerfish just died of white spot disease and I noticed that it's butt was swollen. Any idea if my Angler died of white spot or some kind of water contamination? I was using cupramine for treatment.
  11. My cowfish kena marine velvet and died too. She was eating very well initially but got worse and died. She was my favourite Bleak posts today leh, first the starfish and now marine velvet.
  12. I think your starfish is a goner. It'll have its intestines dropping off it's tummy very soon and rot to death....just like mine Think you should move it a hospital tank and monitor it's progress as these meat will rot and pollute your water.
  13. Don't feed sea fan to your starfish lah, very sayang. What kind of starfish are you keeping? I feed my common star with krills. Put krills under the body and it will eat by itself. Others like the orange and red star don't seem to like krills so I don't bother to feed them. They get by very well. My starfishes will also stick to the glass near the water surface for long periods, think its common so no cause for concern.
  14. I did a little experiment by dropping 2 freshwater feeder shrimps ($1 per pack) into my saltwater tank. Surprisingly the two shrimps did very well and are feeding off the sandbed all day fighting food with the hermits. Their color changed from clear transparent to slightly opaque. Does that mean they are now suitable for saltwater fish consumption? So now I can have easy access to cheap live food? Any idea?
  15. Yah, did a FWD. I think its more stressed by the net than the dip. The spots on the body are gone but still a few specks on the fins. Hmmm.... Btw, I think we should always remind newbies to prepare a cycled vaccination/hospital tank. Damn regret not having one man.
  16. Hi all, can someone help me verify if my Xiao Mei has kena ich? If she kena then I plan to do the following.... 1. Hospitalise her in another tank 2. Fresh water dip for 10mins each day 3. Feed garlic 4. Pray Anything else I should do? What happens to my main tank? Do I have to disinfect the tank? Thanks
  17. AT, what a great idea!!! Why didn't I thought of that! Thanks!
  18. The seasides in Singapore....no shells leh. I go to East Coast quite often but no luck. Which bookstore did you get your shells? Maybe steal some when I go diving....hope no one else notice. Maybe while diving also steal some small starfish...hmmm...evil thoughts brewing in my mind liao
  19. Hi, actually Canon G series can take good close ups. If you have plans to do underwater photography then the Canon S series would be a better investment as the underwater casing is cheaper, around $300+. Canon G series underwater casing would easily cost you thousand plus by Ikelite.
  20. Size ah...very hard to tell leh. You want the size for the whole shell or just the entrance? I tried asking a few shops, no shells Can I use empty apple snails (fresh water) shells? Apple snail shells are quite thin and brittle though. I'm also thinking of making my own with clay but not sure if its feasible
  21. Any idea where I can buy some empty shells for my hermit crabs? Thanks
  22. I noticed that by putting your hand into the water, skimming activity decreases. Everytime I place my hand into the water to remove uneaten food, my skimmer which was bubbling over to the cup stop and foam level decreases to just below the reaction chamber. Maybe you've been touching your water too much? Mine took about a week before I see foams running into my cup, probably because of my fiddling hands
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