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Everything posted by DerrickLim

  1. I was watching 1 of the episodes of Fish Tank and there is artificial glass shell for hermit in US. Very nice. I wonder if I can import it. Hahaha
  2. Fish is still available. Willing to have a nominal exchange with a can of coke.
  3. Hi guys, Has any of u tried this or know where it can be bought? The powder version is quite common but I am find the liquid one to use with dosing pump. Thanks.
  4. Selling a healthy humu trigger. $5 with self collect at BT Panjang. It has been with me for about 6 month. Diet of pellet, frozen mysis n occasional market prawn. Reason for selling: it attack my snails causing the tank to foul up sometime.
  5. Gemsurf is selling red led. I am buying from hm soon.
  6. Thanks Bro, for the snails n Chaeto.
  7. Hi everyone, Where can I find female Swallow tail Angel? Ah Bac sold all of his already Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk
  8. Oh ya, I do dose trace element n strontium n some other stuff to keep the nutrients level as balance as possible. Not advocating no water change, but just sharing my experiment.
  9. It does what is is supposed to. But must always dose in small amt and dose when pump n skimmer r on. I dose with dosing pump, 5 times a day (3ml approximately each dose). I also face a little bit of the White strings/film, which is the bacteria bloom. I had accidental dosage with pump n skimmer off and can see the fishes gasping for air in awhile. But they r Ok once the pump n skimmer r on. Well, I hv not changed water for 4 mth (just top up with rodi). Basically medium live stocking with very few soft coral. Only 1 small frag of sps for testing for 1mth so far.
  10. Hi guys, I am on vodka dosing for almost 5 mth. Simply like it but realised it is not sustainable. Hard to keep getting people to buy absolute vodka whenever they fly. Buying from shop is more than twice the price at airport. Intending to switch to vinegar dosing. Other than than vodka carbon is 8times of 5% distilled vinegar, is there any other things I should take note of? Also, is there a more concentrated distilled vinegar in local market? Thanks.
  11. Forgot to mention that the main motivation to convert to sump is the unsightly equipment in the tank. Hate the idea of pumps visible in main tank.
  12. I had a similar issue with same size tank. Tried canister with hang on protein skimmer. In the end, I bought a 2 ft sump and DIY PVC overflow.
  13. It will sway like the real thing but movement is a bit more rigid . Of cos, it won't glow under actinic light. Other than that, hard to tell it is fake unless u scrutinise real close.
  14. Hi guys, I will need some Chaeto with copepods. If u r selling/giving somewhere in the West, kindly contact me. Using it to try copepods rearing in refugium for my mandarin . thanks.
  15. Fish is already in sump ready for collection. I will consider exchange with small LPS/soft coral, equipment, nitrate test kit etc.
  16. Price is negotiable as long as it is not ridiculous. These were imported from oversea. Don't think the red one can be found in Singapore.
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