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Clement Chen

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Everything posted by Clement Chen

  1. yup red one at the front is red bamboo, the green one is chaeto. How is urs like beehoon? the colour?
  2. Yup, i read that warm white is better for ats. but cool white is better for cheato, so mix a bit.. haha
  3. initially i placed it further back to get more coverage, but the growth not alot, so trying to place it closer
  4. Cause my screen a bit too big, if want to put further also can. total is 9w led. the spot with the led grows very well, every 2 weeks must clean. the white one is 20w spiral bulb
  5. I have started my ats n refugium for about a month. Had some die of for my chaeto initially. But soon it reached an certain size and just maintain there. Now have undetectable nitrate and phosphate. Also can see quite a few pods in chaeto. Also have a bamboo algae with it
  6. Ok thanks bro. I always see ppl dun set 100% n I wonder why
  7. i love the red scooter dragonet
  8. I got 2 clams on the left. Haha.. what colour is the coral
  9. is it a pyramid snail? cause there is a high chance that is not the only one
  10. about a week, started retracting den slowly died. Think once hit the point of no return hard to recover le
  11. My first clam also died from pyramid snails. By the time i found out and took action too late le, it never managed to recover and died eventually
  12. That very hard to say. haha not all are like that. got some good ones
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