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Clement Chen

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Everything posted by Clement Chen

  1. Bro I have some.. in tampines. Pm me ur contact
  2. Look for plastic cross stitch mesh. Art friend got.. also must roughen it up
  3. bro think ur mesh might not be the correct one. the holes like abit too big.
  4. I have some chaeto with pods. In tampines. Pm me
  5. Nope cannot.. its very thin. Got e bracing from home fix only 6+
  6. Found improvements in colour after using e grotech. Also just placed np biopellets xl size in the filter sock holder. Managed to bring nitrates down from 0.3 to undetectable levels after a week or 2
  7. Time to catch them and banish them to the sump. Probably short of food also, last time used to have lots of ha for them to eat.. Now no more already. Thanks for the advise guys
  8. Hi I have 2 hermit crabs one halloween and one electric blue. I had a clownfish and a blue tang for quite awhile and they r doing very well. Recently I have been trying to add new fish and the horror happened. Firstly I added a red ruby dragonet. It was doing fine but after 2 days I could not find it. Upon closer inspection I found it being eaten by my halloween hermit I read that hermits are scavengers so pinned it down to the dragonet being sick or dying. Few weeks later I added a purple firefish. Next day I found the half eaten body. Also added a yellow coris wrasse. It was doing fine for about 4 days. Eating healthily but recently disappeared. Had one yasha goby for about a month, just found it missing today, Also his friend the pistol shrimp is missing one claw. Maybe lost it in the battle to protect his friend. Very heart pain and want to find out. Could it be the hermit hunt them when they are sleeping as they dun move around much... Or could it be another culprit.
  9. think most seniors also would advise against that. When u mix ur water make sure its 1.025 den top up with fresh water can already. Also what do u use to measure salinity
  10. dangerous lei like that, top up shuld be fresh water. If not later will cause ur salinity to rise
  11. I bro I also running 2 feet with sump for sps. For small tanks water stability is important and also hard to achieve. Should test for phosphates as well, maybe can wait for Aquamarin for sales on their salifert test kits. Salinity wise can slowly bring up to 1.025 will be better. although i think shuld not be an issue at 1.023 as long as it is stable. For KH should not to fluctuate. Do you dose calcium? And how do you dose. Might want to get a dosing pump to keep it stable.
  12. Wow wow wow. Looking very awesome fully stocked
  13. I tried flatworm exit doesnt work. 6 line probably like all natural methods might or might not eat e nudi. Mine did
  14. Had that problem also. Went to get a six line wrasse and it solved my problem. Can dip in coral rx also But it doesnt kill e eggs so will still come back
  15. Hi just want to get a rough idea of how long then you guys service your chiller. Do share here. Also what brand is your chiller and who do you get to service your chiller
  16. If im not wrong i got the last purple firefish from iwarna, i saw 2 of them at ah beng yesterday around 5pm
  17. Thanks bro. Was thinking set up tap so and have the reservoir near by so can fill up e ato tank and mix salt near by as well
  18. I think changing water is quite a chore, next time if in my new house going to plan a tap and an drain outlet near my tank. Keep bring water back n forth is a back breaking work.. Some more mine only 2 feet
  19. Hi looking for the above. Do drop me a pm if u have it sitting somewhere in ur store room. Thanks
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