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Clement Chen

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Everything posted by Clement Chen

  1. About 5cm. Kept about 2months. Eating pellets and all. Selling for $30 reason for selling keeps attacking new smaller fishes. collection at Bukit Batok
  2. Want to buy all sorts of macroalgae except chaeto. Do pm me the type and price if you have any to let go
  3. Giving away fresh water angel fish. With me few years but keep attacking new fishes. So has to go. Self collection at Bukit Batok west ave 9. Please bring own container or plastic bag.
  4. Drum has been reserved. Left di set for $30
  5. Selling 4 stage DI. Need to change the resin and carbon. Not sure how many L blue drum. Should be around 20 to 30. Drums comes with foc wheels. Both for $50 Self collect at bukit batok or ubi during office hours.
  6. Selling for $180. Used about a year plus. Still going strong. Brand new already $400 plus Self collect at bukit batok or ubi on weekdays office hours
  7. Left about 10kg left. Selling for $50. Self collect at bukit batok or ubi on weekdays office hours.
  8. all reserved or sold. Ups for BM Elite 5 skimmer
  9. Gyre and chiller sold. Up for the rest
  10. Selling apex el set. Comes with 1 temp probe, 1 pH probe. 2 power bar. Foc fluid monitoring mode. 2 leak sensors, 1 flow sensor. Total $550
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