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Everything posted by Martian

  1. I dare not buy anymore Damsels after my disaster with Zebra Damsels...
  2. Did you mean purchased NSW also have high NO3 or PO4? Can return to LFS if that's the case?
  3. Yes, purple dart fish is great but you'll have to add a school of them at 1 go else they'll start fighting. Also make sure you have lotsa crevices in your LR - they'll hide there in the night.
  4. From my experience, please do not put in Zebra Damsels... They are very aggressive and do not get along even with their own kind.
  5. I think it's ich because it started off with some tiny white spots at first and when it died, it's skin was leathery and it just shrunk and it's eyes was cloudy. It happened within 2 days. Ich can kill so fast? Could it be due to stress?
  6. No problem... just trying to help another reefer who likes DIY projects too...
  7. Whenever I add a dog face, it can only stay alive for a maximum of 5 days... But they eat quite well when they were first added to the tank... Why?
  8. I love dog face puffer but I dunno why my new dog face puffer always die of ich while other new additions are ok. So far 2 dog face have died already. I have another dog face puffer, porcupine puffer, clown fish, gobies, etc. in the tank now. I'm still determined to get another dog face puffer but how can I make sure that it will live?
  9. Me too. But dunno if they were all sold out whenever I went.
  10. I no sifu... but you can check out this website... http://saltaquarium.about.com/od/fishprofilesindex/a/faqhowmanyfish.htm
  11. Hmm... This is a very interesting question. IMO I think the composition of those pills meant for human consumption is different from those meant for the aquarium. But I think maybe a Vet can answer this question. It'll be good and a whole lot cheaper if both types of calcium is compatible.
  12. Ah Beng's LS arrives every Friday so best to go on Sat mornings otherwise not much variety of LS left...
  13. Wow... Actually I was thinking of adding a clam to my FOWLR but now I'll think twice already... Too ex for me...
  14. Have you tried New Trio Fisheries@LCK201?
  15. I read that six line wrasse eats some types of worms... Not sure exactly what type though...
  16. Double protection is always better but it depends if you gave enough pipe run to house them...
  17. Yeah, I agree. My sponge is for display only - not for food.
  18. Sorry, I'm totally lost... My post above is for return from sump to DT.
  19. Just add a check valve will do. I also had this problem when I turn off the return pump so I added a check valve - check valve also makes it easier to dismantle the pipings for maintenance.
  20. Do you manage to see how long was the bristle worm? I read the bigger ones will nip you too...
  21. I don't know about Derrick but for me the overflow box takes up too must space for a 200L tank and it is also unsightly IMO.
  22. I think most upvc pipes are aquarium safe - just don't burn it. But you must be careful of the type of silicon that you are using. I found cheap ones at a hardware shop along Upper Cross Street at Blk 34.
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