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Everything posted by newtriofisheries

  1. Tank Breed Fish Scribble Angel Orange Clown Fancy Clown Black & White Clown Picasso Clown Black Picasso Clown Black Ice Clown
  2. Phillippines Shipment Regal Angel Puma Angel Eight Banded Butterfly Lemon Butterfly Lonula Butterfly Red Scooter Mandarin Fish Candy Basslet Japanese Basslet Blue Tang Brown Tang Lipstick Tang Zebra Octopus Skunk Shrimp Fire Shrimp Abalone Star Poly Carpet Anemone
  3. Caribbean Shipment Garibaldi (S) Blue Spotted Jawfish Yellow Head Jawfish Blue Angel (S & L) French Angel (M & L) Queen Angel (M & L) Grey Angel (L) Rock Beauty (S) Multicolor Angel Potter Angel Queen Trigger Royal Gramma Blue Reef Chromis Neon Goby Cuban Hogfish Lineatus Wrasse (M) Rhomboid Wrasse (M) 3 days Special Prices for Newly Arrived Fishes (15 - 17 Nov) ** Prices will never be the same again on 18 Nov 14
  4. Caribbean Shipment King Angel (M & XL) French Angel (L) Queen Angel (L) Black Cap Gramma Blue Reef Chomis Yellow Head Jawfish Purple Tang Sohal Tang Golden Butterfly White Face Butterfly Half Moon Angel Asfur Angel
  5. What is the price for these sharks ? And what species is this ? Can anyone help me please Nurse shark ( Ginglymostoma Cirratum ) - they can grow very big. We have sunset mille frag. Thanks
  6. Hawaii Shipment Flame Angel Goldflake Angel Bartlett Anthias Hawaiian Pennant Butterfly Declives Butterfly Chevron Tang (JUV) Kole Tang Yellow Tang Flame Wrasse (Male)
  7. Hawaii & Caribbean shipment will be landing after 2pm tomorrow ( 9 Aug 14 ) Hawaii - Bandit , Goldflake , Achilles , Black Tang , Flame wrasse , Flame Angel , Barlett Anthias & Yellow Tang Caribbean - Passer , French , Queen , Argi , Rock Beauty , Cuban Hog , Catalina , Neon Goby , Yellow Head Jawfish , Royal Gramma , Gramma Linki
  8. Free Live Fish Foods for purchasing of Dragonets, Seahorse & Gobies. For more info, Please check our sponsor thread. "Happy 49th Birthday Singapore"
  9. Shipment - 01 Aug 14 Koran Angel Multi bar Angel Watanbei Angel Regal Angel Candy Basslet Red Scooter Blenny Yellow Fin Scooter Green Mandarin Gressengeri Goby White Cap Goby (Pair) Abalone Red Bubble Anemone Ball Tip Anemone Pumping Zenia Yuma Rics Zoas
  10. Hawaii Shipment Flame Angel - from 1" up Lemon Peel Potter Angel - from 1" up Goldflake (JUV) - 1" Orange Tail Emperor (JUV) Bandit Bartlett Anthias Bluestripe Butterfly Achilles Tang (M & Show) Kole Tang - from 1" up Yellow Tang - from 1.5" up Black and White Coris Flame Wrasse (Male & Female) Moorish Idol
  11. Australia Shipment - 22 Jul 14 Scribble Angel - Many size White Spider Sponge - $80 White Bar Box Fish - $600 Helfrich's Fire Fish - $70
  12. Clown Fish Shipment - 18 Jul 14 Orange Clown Black and White Clown Snow Onyx Clown Snow Platinum Clown Frostbite Clown Long Finned Batfish - 50 cents coin size
  13. Brazil Shipment - Landed Atlantic Blue Tang Queen Angel French Angel Seahorse
  14. Shipment Landed today Passer Angel - 3 inch French Angel - 4 inch Blue Spotted Jawfish Royal Gramma Cuban Hog Neon Goby Zebra Catalina Goby
  15. Shipment Landed Japanese Angel Wrought Iron Butterfly Blue Line Angel
  16. Hawaii Shipment Achilles Tang Yellow Tang Kole Tang Flame Angel Flame Hawk Flame Wrasse
  17. Caribbean Shipment King Angel - M Queen Angel - S / M / L French Angel - M Rock Beauty - M / L Royal Gramma Yellow Head Jawfish Blue Spotted Jawfish Blue Neon Goby Catalina Goby Ricordea Flower Anemone Nassarius Snail
  18. Caribbean Shipment Queen - S, M, Show Blue King Angel French Angel - S, M Black Cap Royal Gramma Cuban Hog Atlantic Blue Tang - M, L, XL
  19. Clowns Shipment - Landed Black & White Clowns True Percula Clowns Black Ice Clowns Picasso Clowns Platinum Clowns Snowflake Clowns Wyoming White Clowns For clown Fish photo - please check my sponsor tread. Cheers
  20. Hawaii Shipment Bandit Angel - Sm Flame Angel - 1-3" Flame Wrasse - Male & Female Kole Tang Yellow Tang - All size Bartletts
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