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Everything posted by Jenaellyn

  1. Ty! PBT had a small ich problem just finished dosing 10 days of polyp lab medic. He's eating well tho... So hope he survives!
  2. meet snow puffy! Yellow --> Buttercuppee PBT ---> Powder Puff Orangina Xiao Huo aka Little Fire I also hv a goby and coral beauty who were unfortunately not available during the photography session. <3 Jen
  3. Found this disgusting creature in my filter sock. the way it wriggled made me eek! tks! <3 Jen
  4. Hey all, Any tips on how to get a bta nice and round? <3 Jen
  5. My sea hare died in a matter of days and it became a disgusting lump of goo by then
  6. Dear all, I've got a growing no. of these white tube like things that hv a flower at the end. They suck back in when there's movement. Is it harmful to my tank? help is greatly appreciated. <3 Jen
  7. sorry to hear abt ur sea urchin. hope it's doing ok in ur sump. no experience with sea urchins but gd luck!
  8. all the best! i've had no experience before so can't comment. hope ur orange fan sponge is doing well
  9. i love the pink anemone! ur clown looks uber happy
  10. My shrimp worked as a pair against my poor bubble tip anemone. One pried open my anemone another stole its food. That really upset my anemone till he moved around the tank and picked a fight with my elegance. (anemone ko-ed after two fights) after that experience no more shrimp in my tank.
  11. I've seen babies before of stomatella snails in my tank... very cute and small
  12. Hi all, My puffer has started eating. How often should i feed it? daily? also he loves pretending to b a rock. is this normal? love, jen
  13. Should i feed it everyday? he's begun eating!!! He ate 5 small shrimp yesterday and more than 10 today. Other than that he likes to behave like a rock! Is that normal?
  14. Hi All, I just introduced a short spined porcupine puffer into my tank. Any tips on how to train it to eat? Tks! <3 Jen
  15. just when i post about his death he resurfaces! macham zombie!
  16. it disappeared after moving to bird's nest. didnt find its body.
  17. my smaller emerald crab died and my nassarius snails wanted to feast on it but failed due to its shell. my flower anaemone hates the crab and closes up like a button whenever it comes near. amusing to watch. cos my anaemone looks so grouchy n sulky.
  18. Found this on my sand bed. should i get rid of it? <3 Jen
  19. $10 if you can collect it soon. pm me. <3 Jen
  20. Selling a 2 x 1 x 1.5 with top bracing for $12. Pm me. <3 Jen
  21. Dear All, I just fished out my lively, fat and feeding mandarin which got caught in my wavemaker overnight and died. She used to like hang out on my glass cleaner. <3 Jen
  22. u can try feeding mussel pieces too my anaemone loved it
  23. oh my bad i thot u were talking about the macro algae... nah my hermit crabs dont eat my pods
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