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Everything posted by spgohjc

  1. To share, I think my pom pom crab is pregnant. Attached is a photo showing the orange/red egg sac. Have googled about looking after the young.... Looks like next to impossible... Any one would like to share their views?
  2. If you can, give me the exact compass degrees (e.g. 123 degrees). To begin with, your current layout already has a serious Feng Shui flaw, without looking at the facing.
  3. Oh Oh. Luckily the tank is still clean for now.
  4. I would assume your main door is at 1500? Standing and looking out of the main door what's is your compass direction or facing?
  5. Interesting. The crab molted recently and it changed its color from maroon to blue??? Also it also has a pair of maxillipedes though it lost one recently. It grew back and is larger now.
  6. Cleared some of it by my yellow wrasse. Then it dived into the sand and disappeared for the rest of the day. Weird fish.
  7. Thank you All for your responses. Will explore the mandarins option. Probably need supplementary diet as well.
  8. Thank you for all your responses. It's so tiny. Just managed to get a photo. Please advice what is this and how can I get rid of it? Every time I scrub it away, next day it comes back again.
  9. Sorry, cant get photos. Very very tiny white creatures in groups crawling on the walls of the tank. Size less than 0.5mm. It's alive! What are these? How to get rid of it? Please advice.
  10. Thanks. How did you get free parking for classic member? From your accumulated Genting rewards? Do I have to pay $100 to enter the casino to apply for this card?
  11. They have an interesting creature called Sea Dragon. A member of the sea horse family that looks like a plant. No sure if that's available in LFS.
  12. Wait until legs soft. Today have to rub medicated oil.
  13. Hi Keith, How much is the membership and entitlements? Any link?
  14. Resort world sentosa. $7 first hour and $2 next subsequent half hour before 7pm (public holidays). Check website for latest rates.
  15. Didn't know can change. Cheaper some more. Smart.
  16. Waited for 5 hours in the queue before you can even enter to see the Acquarium at Sentosa today. Big mistake. Never come on holidays. 6.5 million people. Park at Sentosa park until bankrupt.
  17. As long as you have a means of removing the nitrates you don't have to change water. Your regular top ups which you can't run away with can be used to replenish what's is lost.
  18. Better to have QT, copper kills almost everything in it.
  19. Thanks for your help. Did a search and many images came off the search. I think it suppose to have a pair of maxillipeds but seems like mine lost one. One armed swordsman. Currently feeding with coral food.
  20. I might be wrong, but getting O2 to dissolve in saltwater is a lot harder than freshwater. If not enough agitation, LS might suffocate.
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