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Everything posted by titustitus

  1. hows the tank doing? any updates? nice gorg btw
  2. wow many loving the garden! sweet setup!
  3. hi guys, do rotifers increase the bioload by a lot?
  4. wow so many types of clowns! black ice the nicest!!!
  5. is there a price list for the different types of zoas heh...
  6. "Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it" hahaha
  7. hmm looks like it's time to test out the nualgi product on my tank and see whether it clears the algae! but for now, religious water change would be good in removing the po4 haha
  8. well done bro! your hardwork really paid off and now u can live to tell of this battle haha
  9. any idea what snail eats hair algae? normal turbo wont right?
  10. nice little fibre optic there hahaha. looks like u have been really busy eh ash!
  11. wow bro love your clams and zoas man! amazing colours ^^
  12. wow damn bro! your rockscaping damn good! love the design especially the tank on the right!
  13. bro why not run fan instead of chiller and maybe u can keep corals haha. i had a nano and ran 2 small fans and was able to keep temperature between 27-29 degrees celcius without aircon environment. managed to keep zoas and surprisingly even multiplied their polyps. i even had clams and sps inside.
  14. woah bro beautiful colours man! what do u dose?
  15. think clam still the nicest! nice tank overall bro!
  16. nice sia your monti and the clam on the monti!
  17. wa too steady la your sps... FRAG!
  18. swee faster do ur rescape and show us your beautiful zoas again
  19. just saw Uncle Mike's tank yesterday, all I can say is that it is stunningly amazing!!! very nice senior reefer too!
  20. wa i like this thread. need to make my clementi kaki thread also lol
  21. yes better to remove the paly!
  22. oh cool! but if it's like grass hair algae the brush can brush it off?
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